
Americans fought oppression from the British and won, why can't mexicans do the same it ole Mexico?

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Why dont th Mexican males have enought cajones to stay in Mexico and fight for their rights instead of sneaking in the USA and whineing about how their government was treating them. I have more respect for the Muslims who are at least putting up a fight for their beliefs. The american taxpayer will no longer pay for their bambinos, medical, education and its time for them to get out and make a success of the mess they left in Ole Mececo.




  1. I happen to agree with you. I have lived in both countries, born American, and have also lived in several other countries in which this is a prudent question, Cuba is an example. The Mexican Govt. does a very effective job of keeping the people under educated and poor. Remember that prior to Fox the same party had control of the federal government for about the past 70 years. Mexico is oil rich but the federal government controls all aspects of the oil production and distribution, the corruption is staggering. The also control all the electricity. The rest of the national businesses, a full 76% of the Mexican Stock Exchange is controled by one man, Carlos Slim. He is not the wealthest man in the world surpassing Billy Gates by a mere 26 billion. So you are correct until the people  men and woman, stop running over the border and stand against the corruption in thier country things there will remain the same. There is a joke told in Mexico that translated says that they have pulled out of the Summer Games due to the fact that the fastest runners and the best jumpers have already made it to the States.

  2. What rights should they protest for? The rights to be rich?

    Even if all Mexican wealthy was distribud equally among its all citizens, still that wouldn't be enought to stop emmigration, cause the GDP per capita of Mexico is almost 25% of the US.

    It's not about rights, it's about economy.

  3. The only problem i see, is that, due to the worlds economy, someone has to be poor in order for you to be rich, your jeans wouldnt cost 50 dollars if the workers wich made them had a decent salary of  $20 per hour, the crops at your table wouldnt cost less than $50 if the workers who pick them up had a decent salary, and as the economy isn't just a national issue, lots of the stuff entrepenours and multinational companies  do to give you things cheap in your country comes from the work of others who are being exploited outside of the US, thank God mexicans aren't like muslims or the united states would be screwed.

    By the way just 1/6th of the mexicans ( counting their babies who hadn't jumped any fence) have attempted to get in your country, so there's no way you can say all the mexicans or stuff, that's why americans in general are being hatred all over the world thanks to rednecks ,like you, thanks a lot by the way.

    Fight for what rights? the right to be rich? you cannot fight for that with a gun, you have to fight for that with your head, sadly this world has made us egocentric so when someone succeed they're on their track and don't care about the others, so thats a war you have to fight alone.

    Mexicans aren't going to invade some country just because they want their oil or want to put their children to sew their jeans so they can buy them for almost nothing.

    And being the most rich country on the world have its consequences however, so if mexico were as rich as lets say Canada, then salvadorians and guatemalans would be to ones invading the us , and so goes on, if chinese people sail for months to get to San Francisco or so, then there you have the idea, it just happens that Europe is way closer from China than the US.

  4. because most americans at the time werent in poverty, plus the military presence for america was across an ocean. unlike mexico were most are in poverty and their military and police are right there.

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