
Americans hated from people around the world?

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What most people around the world don't realize is that most Americans don't support the horrendous foreign policies that our Government implements. I have read many comments from blogs to youtube that Americans are EVIL. The fact is that were trying to make a living as much as everyone else around the world. We don't control our Government anymore, we don't have the power to stop international terrorism supported by our very own CIA. How can we convince the world that it's not the American people, but our imperialistic and out of control government?




  1. It's going to take a long time to repair the damage done by this administration.

  2. Scotty no one hates the American people, but when you have people who live in countries like Hiroshima or Nagasaki or Iraq etc, you expect a little resentment, but this isn't toward the people but towards the leaders of the country, we know for instance that every n**i was a german, but every German was NOT a n**i, and it was the leader who made the n**i, Armies are used by the leaders, they are brainwashed to obey, just as we are being brainwashed to obey more and more silly laws.  Civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been based on slavery and 'warfare.' Incidentally, the latter is a euphemism for mass murder.

  3. Life is not a popularity contest. Are you still in high school trying to be one of the popular kids in the "In" crowd? Quite frankly, I don't care what many other countries think of us, least of all the liberal, secular, socialist, European countries.

  4. I wish people like you would go live in one of those countries that you are trying so hard to get the respect of.......

    "imperialistic government"

    One of these years when you grow up, you will realize how stupid this statement truly is.

  5. when you stop electing money grabbers,when you accept that the red indians are the true americans,whites robbed them of everything

    they knew how to work the land and take care of it

    not like the bunch of carpet baggers,and slavers from europe ie uk and the dutch

  6. i find it bizarre that we speak of fighting for the freedom of other people when we've been so quick to sacrifice our own in the name of "security".  i also don't see why people can't see the danger of mixing church and state when we look at what happens when religion and government mix--as in Iraq.  it is just as bad when Christianity --or other religions- impose christian values through government as it is for Muslims (Sunni or Shiite) to use government to impose their values on all by dominating political process.  liberal has become a bad word in America.  protecting the rights of all, especially the disadvantaged, is just a sissy thing to the majority of Americans these days.  we've become selfish, lazy, and arrogant.  we let the current nincompoops in charge take office with barely a whimper despite scandal in election.  and we've allowed them to squander tax dollars on their corporate buddies.  where are the billions for the war in Iraq going?  not to the soldiers, not to the Iraqi people whose country we destroyed, but to halliburton, blackhawk and such.  we continue to use huge masses of the worlds resources while leaving poisons and destruction in return.  and we the people just keep muttering and whining while we live our very cush lives.  which most of us have because we are lucky to live on a land of wondrous resources and to have had independent, hard-working forbears.  don't forget one of our greatest riches has been the influx of ambitious folks from other worlds who built this country with their dreams, work, and courage.  'course we're slamming that door shut now. i don't know that i think we are evil.  but we've allowed evil to  be done in our name.

  7. Most countries around the world are hypocrits to call us evil.  I don't care what others think of the US, many times they are wrong anyways.  

       Great Briton, France, China, Russia, Germany, yep, listen to them, they all have such great track records when it comes to human rights and imperialism.

       Truth is they look at us as evil not because of what we do, but because they know what they would do in our situation as proven throughout their history.

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