
Americans have you been listening to some of our Government representatives defending Obama?

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How can they defend Obama claiming that he didnt know about his so-called pastor being a hate filled bigot seperatist militant..after 20 years that would only prove Obama's ignorance..stated in another question it was mentioned that we are just getting what the media reports thats how Obama is running the campaign on television we have been listening to his know that our American soldiers died for that mans freedom of speech makes my stomach turn




  1. yea, it's getting really interesting .

  2. I have no use for either one of them!

  3. i am a veteran. and i am proud they we all, including him, have the right to say what ever we feel. but, some people sure dont deserve to have these rights. so goes freedom. we only hear what the liberal media wants us to hear. thier agenda is to help get more control of the people. so, they help the ones, whom want to control us. obama is outed for what he is. now, will the sheep in america waker up and vote.

  4. I do not in any way support Obama's pastor.  I think that what he said was totally out of line.  As for Obama, I can't say or not say that he didn't know about the pastor feeling the way he did.  However, it would be pretty obvious that one would notice.  Anyway, I think the best thing to do is wait this out.  Its obvious that Obama will get the democratic vote.

  5. amen, love!

  6. I agree, and I also think that a man that is to stupid to know that he was having s*x with that woman, is to stupid to be President, and his wife should have more respect for the US citizens than want that husband of hers back in there too. They disgraced the white house from the beginning and will do it even worse next time.  Real shame the only good Democrat dropped out, that is what makes my stomach turn. There is little difference between obama and the Clinton's ,  just different lies and different cover ups about different things.

  7. There is not much one can say to defend Obama on this one.  Bigotry has no place in our government.  I will be looking at another candidate. This is a shame because I thought Obama was the real candidate of change but he is more of the same or worse.

  8. Yeah, ol' Obama's got the same problem Hillary has always had: they claim not to know something and you realize that they're either lying or they're stupid and incompetent.

    In either case, do you really want to elect such a person to high office.

  9. The dirt that is being pulled up on Obama is equivalent to politicians who have been in the game for decades. Obama  has only been a Senator for 4 years, can you imagine how many more scandals and controversies will continue to develop as his political career continues?

    "He was just 35 when in 1996 he won his first bid for political office. Even many of his staunchest supporters, such as Black, still resent the strong-arm tactics Obama employed to win his seat in the Illinois Legislature. Obama hired fellow Harvard Law alum and election law expert Thomas Johnson to challenge the nominating petitions of four other candidates, including the popular incumbent, Alice Palmer, a liberal activist who had held the seat for several years, according to an April 2007 Chicago Tribune report."

    In addition to that, do you know the story of how he became a Senator?

    Jack Ryan, the person running against Obama for Illinois State Senator, dropped out of the race.

    Jack Ryan hoped to succeed retiring Republican Peter Fitzgerald in the United States Senate. On March 16, 2004, he won the Republican primary, thus pairing him against Democrat Barack Obama. However, after allegations from his ex-wife, he withdrew his candidacy on June 25, 2004, and officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. As his support continued to decline, Ryan withdrew from the race on June 25, 2004, less than a week after the custody records were opened, and Ryan officially filed the documentation to withdraw on July 29, 2004. The same party leaders who called for Ryan's resignation controversially chose Alan Keyes as Ryan's replacement in the race; Keyes lost to Obama, 27% to 70%.

    This allowed Obama to stroll into the Senate without any real opponent. Jack Ryan was ahead in all the polls before he dropped out.

  10. Man oh man... maybe that is the best card the Dems have. I am a Republican,and I would still vote for Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Obama any day.

  11. Yes, and by Obama's spiritual upbringing, He is wanting to deliver us from evil and bring this Country back from what? The Democrates only know three things..Immorality, death to the unborn and higher taxes, no four things,  how to bring anger to the God who created them...

  12. The Democrats are going to defend him no matter what because he is Democrat.  If he was Republican, do you think they would defend him and his beliefs?  No.

  13. After 20 years of attending that church Obama either tolerates if not supports what the pastor preaches, or he is simply an oblivious idiot. Not somebody I want running my country...

  14. Your Out Of Line Girlfriend

    Don't you Know about Hillary's secrets  ?? Shame on you

    There is ALWAYS two sides to a story

    Like Hillary's campaign manager That got the news and she quit !!!

    Plus her tax's and her hiding money when Bill was in office ?

    t*t FOR TAT

    Don't start Being one sided, Every one has their faults Plus No one owns anybody,,And  what their friends say is their words not,,, Hillary or Obama's  So your acting Just like them !

    If you want it to be a civilized campaign You have to be cilvilized also,,Or You become just like them

    Now I say your better then that ?

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