
Americans in Spain?

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hey. i am wondering how do americans get to live in spain and work at the same time? my mom is a spaniard and i am an american. if i want to live in spain and work what can i do? any suggestions? thanks




  1. you have to go to your nearest Spanish embassy or call them. I'm pretty sure all you need is your mother's Spanish id (DNI) and Maybe a birthcertificate (which they should be able to get for you) and a copy of Your birthcertificate. Then they will issue you a Spanish passport if you are under 21. If you are over 21 I think the process is a bit longer. Either way once you have your Spanish passport you can live and work in Spain.

  2. Hi,

          Since your mom is a Spaniard well u have the right to have dual citizenship.. call your local Spanish Embassy or Consulate and they will explain the details...

    Take care,,

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona..

  3. Americans whom do not have a Spanish parent find it VERY VERY difficult to live and work legally in Spain. Wow. It's hard. You either have to be a rocket scientist or other specialist, teach English (and get paid very little), or marry a Spaniard. That's about it.

    But once you can prove your mother is a Spanish citizen, get your own passport after several months, you'll then be free to look for a job in Spain. Check with your region's Spain Consulate office or/and you can find information (the one I used) at

    You'll need to be fluent (or very nearly) in Spanish though. And also keep in mind the unemployment rate is now at about 10% and salaries are among the lowest in Europe and housing (ownership) is among the highest in Europe.

    Most Americans find it very difficult to accept such a low wage for doing the same job as they may have had in the USA.

    But good jobs are very hard to come by in Spain. It'll be difficult and even much moreso if you don't speak Spanish.

    Best of luck!

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)

  4. If your mom is spanish and lives in spain ......she can sponsor you for residency .....if other and you are american you can go to the embassy of spain  here in usa call  for district you are in ....apply for  residency permit

    or if you go to spain you can go to police department in spain they can tell you where to go

    I f you do go to spain be sure to have all your papers translated into spainish  copies birth records ...a police report records.....deviorce  records ....what ever you have take copies translated will need them

    believe me ...I had to come back to usa  ,,,,,I went myself  three  trips one year one told me  about translation of papers
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