
Americans place so much emphasis on manners, but not chastity. Do you agree?

by Guest58271  |  earlier

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For example, teens are often allowed to watch dirty tv shows filled with sexual content. Yet, parents allow them to do so, as long as they keep their grades up and act "mature".




  1. ...I can't see the problem here.

  2. Maybe but  they give choices to their kids. Not like other communist countries who punish and hurt their kind

  3. Yes!!!! And Ed is also right!!!

    Nice to know that there are americans who haven't turned a blind eye on this issue.

  4. Yes our morals and sense are nearly gone as a nation.

  5. If you think its bad here .. visit europe

  6. I totally agree. Something that was once meant to be something sacred and shared with a spouse has turned into a freaking free for all. Teens nowadays get the wrong idea.

    Every day, I see why my mother was so protective of me. I am glad that I chose to follow her example and ignore the peer pressure!

  7. Please don't classify us all by what you hear or see, we are not all like that. I don't appreciate the way it's become acceptable for youths to watch these show but I'm not alone. I think it's the breakdown of the family unit that does this in many cases. Once parents divorce the kids are pretty much left to their own devices. That's a shame and truly an error on the parents part. But how can they stop these kids when they are trying to find themselves? They become much like the kids. It's all about getting another mate, having someone when loneliness sets in.

    Grades and manners are important, but we who still have values are trying to instill them and chastity too.

  8. Why do you mention Americans? No one else in the world acts this way? What a ridiculous blanket statement.

  9. Yes and I don't think this is only happening in America.

    It seems to be a worldwide phenomenon.

    Teens are very vulnerable to the media and it isn't fair on them.

  10. I think these are two different things that don't have much to do with one another.

    I'm not disagreeing that it's a problem, I just don't think that being polite makes one chaste, and I think the fact they change independently (as you point out) proves this.

  11. Well, I don't know where you're getting your opinions about 'Americans' from, but the majority of parents here in the U.S. don't just fling p**n at us when we get an 'A' in Algebra.

    Good Manners are important because that's what we use when we communicate with each other; it's how we present ourselves to the world while we mingle with fellow human beings. Our lives are made easier/harder based on the way we behave, so, naturally, a HUGE emphasis is put on public relations.

    'Chastity' is more of a personal thing.

    s*x is a choice, and whether or not we choose to remain 'pure' or give in and 'hump,' it comes down to the individual. And since we 'don't' have s*x infront of the grocer or bank teller, it's not really 'society's' place to instill something as intimate as sexual habits. They can give us information and caution us about the danger, but whether or not we take the 'risk' is not up to them.

    As far as the 'parenting' part goes, of course a sane mother and father would like their children to be on their best behavior when in public. But I've never heard of rewarding that child with sexual-content.

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