
Americans please, why are your tv commercials so depressing and sinister?

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ive visited the states a few times and i think its a great place , but in my humble opinion, i believe you are drowning in consumerism and a cut throat mentality that goes against your christian a child in the 70s and 80s i like most people i know always felt America led the way and seemed such an exciting place.I dont want to offend anyone but i am just being honest.




  1. You'd have to cite some examples for me to be able to comment.

  2. America has already begun to lose its Christian roots, to a generation that just doesn't care.

       Sorry for the programming, but we Christians are not in any type of control of the media....anymore.

  3. Well I'm not America and I've never even been to the states, but when my mum used to work for CBS (American news channel) I watched more US tv commercials than I ever cared to. I thought they were really cheesy to the point were I through it was a bit creepy and, yeah, sinister. But then America isn't just a foreign country it's a foreign continent with it's own culture and way of doing things, and I guess it's easy to forget that when you share the same lingo, or at least that's what my ma said. Admittedly they have waaaay more ads than in the UK, but that's just their way of doing things, just like if you went to another foreign country there would be less ads than in the UK let alone US.

    If Americans saw British ads they's probably find them a bit depressing an sinister because it's so unfamiliar. Well that's what I think anyways.

  4. Dear Southampton: We do not write the commercials you are talking about. So do not blame us for the lack of quality in these ad's: they are the insulting brain farts of corporate America and do not reflex the peoples opinion. Do not judge us by the ad's the idiots think are entertaining: they wrote them we did not!

  5. Uh, if you'd explained what you meant, given any examples, or any relevant details, it might be possible to answer you.

    What commercials? How are they depressing and sinister, exactly? What, in short, are you talking about?

    "Christian values"? It's simply not true that all Americans are Christians.

    Led what way? Exciting in what way? (The country is HUGE, and not every inch of it has ever been exciting.)

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