
Americans think they win wars?

by Guest58987  |  earlier

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how come so many americans talk about how they "win wars", when actually they haven't won a war by themselves since they fought mexico. listed below:

Vietnam- lost

Korea- cease fire

world war 1- helped win, didn't win it themselves

world war 2- again helped win, probably would have lost if the soviets didn't enter the war

iraq war- on the verge of being lost

with all this proof how come so many americans still think the US "wins wars"




  1. Because this is America... look at your History books in America The people that write the school curriculum are all English speaking Americans.  If they explained stuff  like you pointed out the school board would rightfully not approve  

  2. Your actually the one with reality issues, because in War, everyone loses...

  3. What Americans are you referring to?

    Because I don't remember saying anything like that.

    So don't put words in my mouth.


  4. They more or less won the first world war, (or at least they finished it), and they certainly won the war against Japan by themselves.. Don't see how the UN would have got on in Korea without them.  

    The First Iraq War was won by the Americans. In record time.

    The Second Iraq War was won by the Americans. In record time.

    The Taliban government in Afghanistan seem to have relocated largely to Pakistan, and if the US decided it was time for Pakistan to disappear, then it would.  In record time.

    How many do they have to win to satisfy you?

  5. because America is the best !i

  6. im canadian and its not all americans all though some can be dumb i met some who thought canada was a state and i was like ya its the 57th star on the flag

  7. Cuz America thinks it rules the world....they assume no one can beat 'em

    They believe war is the way...when the power of love over rides the love of power..the world will know peace

  8. First off, weather WE Americans win war with help or win it by are selves, ITS STILL WINNING...and WE Americans still have confidents that we will WIN..!!! SECOND, America is trying there d**n best to try and win everything we can so that we may remain a free country..!!! And Third AMERICANS Starts With A Capital AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!

    THANK YOU..!!!

  9. so whats ur point? u just hate america cuz ur jealous. its all good we all know were da bomb!

  10. Just because the Americans had help winning the wars, doesn't mean they LOST the wars. Plus, America has won more wars in just its few centuries of existence than most countries combined.

    So honestly, they pretty much have the right to talk.

  11. Don't speak for me, please.

  12. Vietnam- correct.

    Korea- correct.

    WW I- maybe- debatable

    WW II- wrong, if it weren't for the USA- everyone would be German and Catholic today. The USA was the only power in that war.

    Iraq- wrong again...that war will be over in less than 2 years.

    Sometimes the goal is not to win, but to stabilize a region.

    I am surprised though that with Vietnam so near in our memory that the USA did not send 5 times the troops to Iraq and Afghanistan and completely wipe that area squeaky clean.

  13. Cuz Dubya said "mission accomplished" back on the ship.....

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