
Americans use of metric?

by Guest65242  |  earlier

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I am from a metric country (Australia), I was just wondering in what things in every day life do Americans use the metric system if at all. Australia used to have the old system about 40yrs ago, but most people these days use only metric, is this the same in the States?




  1. the US tried switching to the metric system years ago but it never took. people didn't accept it. currently in every day life we use the Standard system in everything. everything. the only people in the country that don't use the standard system are scientists because the metric system is the recognized world standard.

    distance is in feet/mileage

    weight is in ounces/pounds

    liquid volume is in quarts/gallons (except for a few things like soda bottles which use liters)

  2. im aussie so i use the metric system

    yu should imply it to in the US

    its easy becauseit goes up by the unit of tens

    so you just add or minus a zero from the number, easier that dividing by 12 or whutever

    can yu help me;...

    thanks boo

  3. We don't use the metric at all in everyday lives, we had to use it some... but usually not... in classes in school, esp. the sciences, but everyday life it's all miles, inches and gallons.

  4. Only reason we use inches cause we want to be different and make things complicated.

    GOD the metric system is so much easier.

  5. No, the US doesn't use the metric system countrywide.  Well, we use the "soft" system, which means that metric equivalents are sometimes printed alongside standard (i.e. "1 pint (473 ml)").  

    However, it is used in medicine, science and in track and field events.  

    Fun fact:  A Martian probe was destroyed because some of its navigational data was in feet, and some was in meters.

  6. The metric system is used in track and field, for instance my school called the cross country distance 5k instead of 3.1mile.

    Professional bakers often use it for measuring since it is more efficient because many french recipes will call from grams instead of ounces.

    Scientists, Physicists, and students use it.

    Personally I think we should do switch to the Metric system for everything.

  7. there are very rare occasions when Americans use the metric system.

    I can only think of things when there are running races...the distance is usually expressed in kilometers more often than  a 10k or a 5k...etc..

    but I don't use the metric system...only in science classes, but that's about it.

  8. I never use the metric system nor did I grow up with it. It is so difficult to understand for me! Haha!

  9. I've never really seen any meter / cm / km stuff here in America. Everything is in miles, feet, inches, pounds, ounces, and the likes.

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