
Americans which do you believe to be true?

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1) Britain is currently under the rule of Monarchy and political decisions are taken by queen Elizibeth.

2) Britain is currently controlled by the Labour party and decisions are taken by Gordon Brown

off the top of your head Which would you say is true




  1. 2.  The queen is just a figure head.

  2. gordon brown.

  3. The monarchy is a figure head at this point. Your prime minister and House of Commons is running your country.

  4. Given those choices, I'm going with number 2.

  5. They all work for the queen's figure.

  6. 2) Although I would qualify that with the belief that it isn't as simple as you state considering how poorly they've done recently.

    BTW: All royalty does is suck money out of the economy. Why don't you just cut them off?

  7. Hopefully # 2.

    As to the queen, what the h**l is a queen anyway?  Tell the royal family to get jobs.

  8. 2 and I find it interesting watching them debate on TV.

    I've always respected you Brits for your "grit" you guys will fight a circle saw...

  9. I thought the Queen was just a figurehead and that Parliament really ran the counry? so I guess Gordon Brown is running the show.

  10. TWO

  11. Sorry but if the UK polls are anything like the US polls, then they are jaded and one sided.  I don't believe ANY American polls even when they're in my favor.  The US polls said the Gore and Kerry were going to win hands down and both lost.

  12. 2.

  13. First part of (1) and all of (2).  Thought Britain was a Parlaimentary monarchy.  Sort of a mixed government with king/queen more as titular head of country than actual runner of the show.

  14. 2

  15. If this is aimed at trying to mock another race, should the false answer by the majority of answers come about, then i will report you. Because this would be being racist!

    Plus, you've constructed the choices in such away, that your clearly intending Americans to get it wrong.

    Apology accepted mookobal... and thankyou for replying.

  16. Gordon Brown would be my choice even though his popularity is dropping each and every day.

  17. #2 is the closest, though it's also wrong.

    No American with a basic education believes that Queen Elizabeth runs the country. But Gordon Brown isn't the only one making decisions, either. Governments are more complicated than that.

  18. Good for you !!!!!

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