
Americans: why do they often embarrass you in England by being so loud and so brash?

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why are so many Americans so loud and so brash?

(otherwise we love them ;) )




  1. There may be the odd one that does that but don't tar them all with the same brush - the Brits have a far worse record abroad then the Americans do.

  2. I think you are a liar and only love yourself!!!!

  3. "(otherwise we love them ;))"  Hmmm......not from what I've seen, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    We're loud and brash, because that's how we communicate with each other.  That's all.

  4. I guess we tend to be more open and speak our minds more. I've been to England twice, and loved it, but the only thing that struck me as very different was that everyone just wants to blend in, and never speak up when they disagree because it might cause a little drama. It's very different in that regard here. If you encounter a loud, brash American in England, don't be afraid to tell them to pipe down. We don't always realize our loudness until people say something to us about it.


    Loud.......depends on the person(s).

    One of my good friends is one of those really loud people, and I'm always telling him to quiet down, but it never helps because his whole family is like that. He grew up in a very large house, on a huge plot of land, so I assume that he and his family just got used to yelling to each other from across the house or land.

    My family is more low key and laidback. I grew up in an apartment, so we always had to keep noise levels down because of having neighbors on the other sides of the walls. That probably helped make me the low key kind of person I am today.

    Now that I think about it, most of the people I know who grew up in big houses or had lots of land are louder people. Most likely because they were able to be as loud as they wanted, and it never bothered anyone because the next house was at least 2-3 acres away.

    I suppose there could be many reasons for Americans to be loud and or brash, but that is just a couple reasons. Another would be that we are taught to be very independent and to speak up when we disagree, otherwise things tend to not get done and problems tend to not get solved.

    Ok, I'll stop there. I'm sure you're not looking to read a novel for a simple question.

    Have a good one!

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