
Americas Best Dance Crew!?

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how did Super Crew and Surpreme Soul

end up the bottom two?? iam so sooo upset

what in the world is goin on!

the boogies bots are jus simply riding off their name

they gotta cool name and thats it they pretti much suck!

come on man!

idk whats goin on here but now

the onli good crews left are Super Crew and f***y PaK and So Real Cru




  1. oh wow...i just asked like this same ? two seconds ago! lol! but i agree, i think america's voting is just terrible! i think that last week A.S.I.I.D. didn't need to get sent home either becuz they did nothing wrong unlike Boogie Bots who messed up in their dance. i can c y previous crews have been eliminated but now it just makes no sense at all! i almost don't want to watch the show now! & i totally agree, i like all 3 of those crews & SoReal Cru is my fav!

  2. omg yeahh i totally agree

    boogie bots suckk!

    but im happy that f***y Pak is still here

    i lovee them :)

    & So Real Cru is amazing too

    i hope they both make it to the end :)

  3. I like watrching  the show but i like better the first one than this

    second season there was more creativity

    but i like Supreme Soul more than Super Crew

  4. dudee! f***y pak sucks!

    man im sooo pist rite now =/

    how can supreme soul lose to f***y pak =/

  5. the show is frickin fake i hate it now!boogie bots or f***y pak need 2 go 4real

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