
Americas New economy?

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You can try your hardest to blame Bush, but ya know what? The USA sux. Thats why all the jobs are going overseas. Why would a company want to open up here when they have a liability lawyer on every corner? A set wage that they have to meet or pay? Free people that exercise their rights every chance they get? The companies are getting as far away from USA as they can get.. Especially if Obama gets in.. Obama's new jobs are all government jobs. USA is going down the tubes. Did you know GM has huge market share in China? Did you know they are closing factories in MI while they are spending billions on factories in China? Comments?




  1. You overstate the problem, but nail several issues.

    The USA is still fantastic for business compared to other places.

    One advantage is relatively low corruption. If you start a business in China, you start out paying someone to figure out who you should bribe and how much.  In the US, you pay $50 to incorporate.

    In the US, organized crime is relatively weak.  China, Mexico, South America, you go there, good chance you will get kidnapped.

    In the US, your customers are closer.  Yeah, there are customers all over the world, but the US customers are the best.

    Liability, though, does make it dangerous.  Also, absurd and pointless regulations, plus mountains of regulations made with good intentions but which destroy a business trying to comply.  

    Obama wants us to all work for the government.

    He actually said every American should get the same health care congress does.  How about the same salary, too?  And free travel.  What a clown. Keep the government dependent on the people, not the other way around.  The bigger the government, the more reasons to get your business out of town. All their great ideas seem to kind of s***w over businesses.  Without business, government has to do everything, which is Obama's goal from the beginning.

  2. There will be no such thing as a new economy, everything travels in flux, it is in nature, our economy even in us. The market will go up... the market will go down... unemployment up then down. This is the way things work... people bashed me when they were complaining about oil a month ago... saying it is just going to keep going up and up and up... when all I said was, the oil bubble will pop and the prices will drop ... what do you know a month later, my stocks are soaring and they are all crying about how they thought they were right. I'm in the market, this is a philosophy on life for me... good times and bad times. all in sequence. Everything in flux. Hope this is in agreement with what you are saying here.  

  3. Now if we can just get all the conservative republicans to move to China...

  4. Government has a harder time representing people as jobs go overseas.  Globalism is in fact a tool to dehumanize. Corporations become over empowered and galvanized as groups.  The individual becomes less and less as a commodity as cheaper labor and technology evolve into a new form.

  5. You make some valid points.

    Especially about what will happen if obama takes office.

  6. That's why people need to vote. vote for your mayor governs vote for president vote every chance you can to make a difference. so if you don't vote shut the f##k up please.    

  7. Let factories go wherever they want. Nobody can stop them. The US is a country based on services, not on china's products.

    Besides, they still are American companies and their revenues are taxed to the US government.

  8. Your main points irrelevant The U.S. in the second quarter posted a GDP growth of 3.3% which what it was when the economy was booming and means we are not in recession but in fact recovering. In the second quarter we saw some of the larges export profits we have seen in years and the dollar has gained substantially on the Euro and the pound. Chinas economy is only half as large as ours with a with a 7 trillion gdp. The United States has gdp 14 trillion dollars. Modern economies are not based on manufacturing jobs anymore but on the services sector of the economy. Right now Europe is in the same position the U.S. was a year a ago with barely any growth and the U.S. is just starting to recover to where its was before so in a slowing global economy their will be a lot less of demand for Chinese goods which can easily bring down their economy because at this point China's economy is not very diverse.The problem with manufacturing is it doesn't matter how many goods you can pump out if no one needs to buys them.The reason some companies are outsourcing U.S. jobs is because they can pay lower taxes in and get cheaper workers like in Mexico South America or China for example. They can get away with paying workers under minimum wage. So none of your points are valid. Pointing out that the U.S. is weak in the manufactoring section of its economy does not mean the U.S. economy sux..Chinese workers will get paid barely nothing for those GM jobs and the profits will still go to GM so its really not helping Chinese workers that much. I could keep going on but I got to go to work.

    Rhino M gets it

  9. Preach on brother
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