
Americas health care costs 2.7 trillion a year, how are Dem's going to absorb that cost into the government?

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then also pay for SS with all the baby boomer's are going to be getting their SS...




  1. They can't unlelss they tax us double to make a trip to the hospital like a trip to the DMV


  2. Have you any idea what your tax dollars do in any society?

    When big business refuses to provide insurance coverage to employees, and the cost to individuals becomes beyond reach, the Government will eliminate the middle man and the cost will go down.  The bill will be sent to the government and the government will pay it, you will be billed for it in the form of an increase in your taxes.  Is that simple enough for you to grasp?

  3. To stop the war which wastes billions a DAY. To stop the foreign dependence on oil which is draining our economy.

  4. by bringing a close to the Iraq war and ending the tax cuts that bush pushed through with the republican controlled congress.

  5. They won't try. Their goal is to establish a program that anyone can enter for any reason for health care. They aren't going to remove private health care. And most of the cost will still be paid by the individual via a deductible anyway.  

  6. they wont.

    Its that simple.

  7. Easy.  Stop paying 10 billion dollars a month for the war in Iraq.

  8. by roman rules of conquest the british isles and the USA should be able to tax the european continent to pay for it?

  9. tax us working class to death

  10. Taxes and deficit spending. They should learn a few lessons from the ancient Romans. Why did Rome fall? Because the people wanted their "bread and circuses." Socialists...

  11. Once you get the insurance companies out of health care and all the CEO compensation packages that includes, it would be stunning at the amount of money that would be freed up. How do other countries, many which rank as the happiest in the world do it? Further, they also offer education for all. They have some of the lowest poverty rates on Earth and being illiterate is almost nonexistent. Maybe if we looked at health care as health care and not for profit care, it would also make a huge difference. When health care is based on profit, profit will always come before health care.

  12. hmm...stop pouring billions of dollars into Iraq.

    it's not even our own country.

  13. 144 billion not being spent on the war will pay for 2.7 trillion...are people that bad at math...Well it sure the h**l won't help!

    many of the numbers on your site linked are misleading, overall cost for health care is presented as a base cost, many changes to health care are coming and overdue, like it or not the system is failing. serious issues abound and not one politician is serious about it  

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