
Ami going to lose my feet?

by  |  earlier

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i stepped on a bunch of thorns and hospital fees are expensive so my family decided that i dont go to the doctor, so whats going to happen to me now die? and lose my feet? i might just kill myself! i might not be able to do Taekwondo now!




  1. You won't die, but you will lose your feet...unless you kill yourself...then you'll lose your feet and your life. Or, you could try tying string to each of the thorns and then tie the other end of the strings to a door k**b and wait for someone to open the door. Instant surgery. Afterward, soak your feet in a bucket of peroxide.

  2. Perhaps you should do acting instead or Taekwondo as you have a flair for the dramatic. Not too many people I know of have lost a foot from standing on some thorns unless they had some other condition with very bad circulation affecting their feet. As to whether you lose your feet or not - can depend on you

    Are they infected and if so - what are you doing to help the situation?

    You could try bathing your feet in some mild antiseptic and if you don't have any at least some warm salty water and wipe around the site of your thorn punctures gently - apply some lotions such as one based with iodine such as Betadine on it to help control any infection.

    Last but not least either have a go yourself at removing them with the aid of some tweezers and a sterile needle or tool made for removing splinters or if you can't see them ask some other family member to help you

    If you do these positive things for yourself and things still do not go right - you will show your family that you are trying to be responsible and manage your own health needs  

  3. Keep them clean, use antibiotic cream, and bandaged.


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