
Amir khan the boxer what are your views on guys good or bad?

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Amir khan the boxer what are your views on guys good or bad?




  1. Those saying he won't be world champ, can't 5 them 2 have 2 eat their words!

    Khan is gunna wipe the division clean...FACT!

  2. dont like him, hes only in it for the money. he will never be world champ, Frank warren is giving him aload of bums to fight to make him look good. He is also a dirty fighter as he proved last night. No talent

    Answer my question:

  3. Amir Khan the cheating b a s t a r d who thinks he can win by cheating, i think that the Dane should have put him on his ****.  

    i think Kristensen should have killed Khan for the way he cheated

  4. I like him. I think he's a good fighter, although I don't usually follow below middleweight.

  5. A good example for young Britons to follow.

    I'm not a fan of boxing (if I want to see a punch up, I go to the local pub) - but that kid seems well-grounded, and quite responsible.

  6. excellent fighter go all the way

  7. Well i have read numerous replies about being a role model etc etc - but the question says 'is he a good boxer' - yes, he is a GOOD boxer. be a GREAT boxer you need a lot more than hand speed. Khan has not fought anyone dangerous and if you look up his record nearly everyone of his opponents has a less than 20% KO-win ratio which begs the question that he does not possess a chin.

    Richard Drilzane made Khan touch down and he had ZERO ko's on his record. Also Willie Limmond only had 7ko's and dropped khan very heavily.

    Now if you compare the likes of Joel Casamayor (World Olympic GOLD medallist) who is the current Ring Magazine linear lightweight champion, you will see 20-something KO's on his record and all against top-flight opponents.  Michael Katsidis who is another puncher has a raft of KO wins. David Diaz.

    Bottom line is, there are much better boxers out there than Khan, even from Khan's former weight division, Joan Guzman (now trained by Mayweather Snr) i think would school amir.

    The average armchair boxing fan only see's Khan knocking out binmen, taxi drivers and school teachers on TV and see's a great stoppage and therefore assumes Khan is legit, when in reality he is not.

    We have already seen the heavily hyped Maccrinelli come undone against a true boxing talent like David Haye, Rees get beat by Kotelnik, Derry Mathews by choi, Crolla by Hamidi... if you are lightly matched and then suddenly fight someone decent you stand to lose as you are not prepared to go into the trenches.

    Another point worth considering is that Romanov is ranked at No4 in the lightweight rankings wheras Kristjansen was no68.

    Also Kristjansen's last fight, against a journeyman in December was a 6 round split decision... hardly Floyd Mayweather material was he?

    If Khan does not step up the quality he will get knocked out by someone with power.

    They need to look at the way Kelly Pavlik was brought through the rankings... often he was matched against tough veterans in fights he had no certainty of even winning. When his chance came against Taylor he had that tough experince against Zuniga and hard-punching Miranda in the bag already and that made the difference between winning and losing to Jermain Taylor.

  8. I think he is is an excellent boxer, he takes his time and wears his opponents down slowly and because he has so much pace and he is so quick he can sneak in punches and knock them down. he will defo get the world championship because he has talent unlike others who are not even in the same league as him

  9. i think amir khan has tremendous talent but thats still questionable he has yet to be tested. but espn had a great article lately about young prospects who rushed their way into a title fight to fast and got whipped, im hoping khan doesnt do that

  10. Good. Future world champ

  11. I CANT STAND HIM PERSONALLY, Ithink he is cocky, arrogant, and a to@@er!

    He is getting fighters hand picked for him, if you notice they have all been much older, slower and not one of them has been a puncher.

    But he will still go onto hold a world title belt due to the poor nature of the division.  Gavin Rees has just lost his world title, but when you see average boxers like him getting one you would have to say that Kahn will win one.

  12. I only watch it second hand but seems to me he's never set against a proper opponent, they are all boosting their pension fund. Lets see him against a young fit chap who's got a chance of winning

    He looks arrogant and he cheats, punching his apponent when he was already down.

    Also I see a lot of people call him a fighter, thats all he is, a street fighter not a boxer.

    Not a patch on a real boxer

  13. I think people need to give the guy a break. He's 21 and only had 18 professional fights. To put him against some of the best currently in the weight division would be foolish. He needs experience and up to this point he's demonstrated that he's a good sportsman. He's respectful, confident as all boxers are and you need to be in a mentally positive frame of mind to want to succeed so sometimes it can come across as cocky.

    I watched the fight and it seemed like he could have unloaded and knocked his opponent out in the first and third round. Instead he stepped back and boxed clever, paced himself and put on a good show. I'm sure he's been told to pace himself and give the paying crowd a show as it, looking at the previous fights was becoming predictable that he was going for a quick knock out as soon as the bell went.

    He boxes clever, comes across well as a person, is an inspiration to many young people, a good candidate for promoting the sport and he's representing the UK AND doing a d**n good job. Why do people have such a big problem with him? It's all well and good sat at the computer saying he looked a touch out of breath in the 4th round but  you try and keep that work rate up for 12 minutes and not break a sweat!

    In response to Patrick O'Reilly:

    Can you give any proof or indication of how you have come to the conclusion that Khan is on steroids? According to his coaching team he's gone through a rigorous strength training programme. His lats are looking superb, not an inch of fat on him and well developed shoulders. The only down side is that now he has packed on some more muscle he isn't as snappy with his jabs but he does seem to have more power. If he was on steroids, one indication would be oversized neck muscles and facial development neither of which is he showing. Furthermore competitors under-go dope tests etc. So before posting mis-information please do your research or at least back up your accusations with proof.

    Cheers for the thumbs down BTW Paddy! ;)

  14. Good for British boxing, and a reasonable role model for the younger generation. However, I am not fully persuaded yet! I would like to see Amir in a competitive fight. I don't think he can beat Casamayor, who is 36 and too good of a boxer at this time (ask Michael Katsidis).

  15. khan is like nassem b4 him , hand picked nobodies to fight ur original rocky story !

    wait and see when he fights real class , cany take a punch !!!

  16. Whats wrong with people? y is it bcuz khan is not white?

    Look at him he did a good fight last time proper clever fight

    whether he ll win the world title or not he s a good boxer. If he gets a chance to fight with a better fighter than him n loose then thats the sport like what happen to hatton bcuz hatton lost does that mean he fought with clowns before that?

    people who claim he s taking drugs without any evidence they ll be always like that bcuz they sit in front of their computers whole day n their bellys r bigger than their pilows so we ignore all of u n pitty u

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