
Amnesty International Political Views?

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What are the political views of the majority of people who support Amnesty International?




  1. Highly biased against US for starters. Don't see any of the members give scathing reports on the Sudanese government, Hugo Chavez treatment of his citizenry, Robert Mugabe's brutal treatment of opposition leaders, etc. We are an easy target, the others less so. Would have a lot more respect if they were equally harsh with everyone.

  2. Screwed up.... Leftist... Globalist....

  3. Amnesty International is composed of people of varying political views. It's primary concern is to protect political prisoners around the world in all countries.

    Members of often "adopt" a political prisoner and write letters to the government imprisoning that person to make sure that they are aware that someone is looking out for a political prisoner.

    Amnesty International is not aligned with any particular government and is concerned about the rights of individuals.

  4. Liberal, Bush haters.

  5. Amnesty International is a voluntary organization, who impartially works by the defense and promotion of the human rights

    The objective of Amnesty International is to contribute to that the human rights are respected anywhere in the world that the Universal Declaration of Human rights establishes. In order to reach this objective, Amnesty International foments the knowledge and adhesion to the Universal Declaration and other instruments of human rights recognized internationally, the values in them consecrated and the indivisibilidad and fundamental interdependence of all the human rights and liberties.

  6. Positive views

  7. They are pro Human Rights.

    I think that's about it.

    For the people that think they only criticize the US... you are seriously wrong, and you clearly have not read any of their annual reports (it's free!). They report on every country. If you only or mostly read US news, probably you only or mostly will read about the reports on the US. Hardly surprising...

    In case you don't want to bother to check my sources, I paste you a couple of examples:

    "BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA: Most human rights violations committed by members of the security forces remained unpunished. Human rights defenders and journalists were threatened, intimidated and attacked."

    "REPUBLIC OF SUDAN: Government security services arbitrarily detained suspected opponents incommunicado and for prolonged periods. Torture was widespread and in some areas, including Darfur, systematic. Human rights defenders and foreign humanitarian organizations were harassed. Freedom of expression was curtailed. The authorities forcibly evicted displaced people in poor areas of Khartoum and people in the Hamdab area where a dam was being built."

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