
Amnesty International = Support for child killers????

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Does it sicken you that we have special intrest groups running around protecting child rapists and killers? Why are they not trying to protect the victims????




  1. I agree, though the firing squad sounds a little too quick for my liking.

    Let's hope they think up something more gruesome for the Islamic extremists who are waiting execution.

  2. Firing Squad.

    Works for me.

  3. I wouldn't have let him see his wife.

    The victims family didn't get to see their babies or sisters again so, why should he have been given the satisfaction.

    I agree to his punishment, it was Just!

    As far as them d**n groups the way i see it is, i think they think if they committed a crime, becaus eof their group, there would be no repercusions. But as that guy found out, Indonesia didn't listen to the activists and they shouldn't.

    I don't know how this all got started with people taking up for criminals, it is just disgusting and they need a d**n good whippin.

  4. Technology News-

  5. Child Killer's? Rapist? They support the US Army?

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