
Among those three french features which one is the more significant in you pov ?

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1° arrogance and xenophobia

2° do not work well when in teams

3° never achieve practical aspects of projects

4° any other one you know ( if possible pertinent answers monkey cheese surrender and gratitude, Normandy etc no thanks )




  1. I would say a tendency to endlessly debate and obfruscate which can result in finely nuanced but often unworkable or clumsy implementations.

    In politics the best example is the French constitution which is a weird hash of ideas including even a direct quote from American President Abraham Lincoln. (Article 2 "Son principe est : gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple et pour le peuple.")

  2. those are all stereo types. probably cuz u watch way too much TV.

  3. Sounds like a racist rant to me.  Could be jealousy n'est pas.  Vive la France!

  4. You are most likely of african descent and being a big baby because the french don't want you people in their country anymore.

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