
Amount of solvent is measured in?

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Learning about moles and solutions.




  1. A mole (or mol for short) is the quantity of a substance that contains as many molecules or formula units as the number of atoms in precisely 12 grams of carbon. The number of atoms in 12g carbon is

    6.0221367 x 10^23 atoms (referred to as Avogadro's number). Molar mass is the amount of mass of an element for one mole of it. For sodium it is about 23 grams/mole. JUST EXAMPLES.....

    Say you have 12 grams of sodium and want to find moles:

    (12.0 g Na)  x  (1 mol Na/23g) = 0.522 mol  (grams cancel to give moles)

    Find the mass of a single atom (not per mole):

    Mass of Cl atom = 35.5g/6.023 x 10^23 = 5.90 x 10^-23 g

    Find the number of molecules:

    (3.46g HCl) x (1 mol HCl/36.5g) x (6.023 x 10^23 HCl molecules/1 mol HCl) = 5.71 x 10^22 molecules

                to convert to moles              to convert to molecules

    ------------Solvent is measured by volume, e.g. 100g solute/1000 mL solution. Solute is like HCl added to H20 (solvent). Solute is usually present in smaller amounts than the solvent. Fluids that mix with each other in all proportions are miscible. Those that don't are immiscible (e.g. water and oil form a layer). Surface tension is caused by like molecules (H20 weakly interacting with H20 at the liquid surface and cannot bond/interact with the air). Also, colligative properties - HCl is like c**p stoping water from bonding as well with water. This makes it harder for water to freeze (water-water) and lowers freezing point. It can also raise boiling point, where water cannot escape from HCl interaction to go to the gas phase.

  2. Sovent can be measured in liters, pints, pounds, kilograms, etc.

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