
Amoxicillin help PLEASE!?

by Guest61647  |  earlier

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My doctor gave me amoxicillin for a urinary tract infection.

The thing says 1 capsule 3 times daily but it's like 4:30 so how many should I take today and when?

I'm also scared to take it, are side effects likely if you aren't allergic?

And how long does it take to work?

Please help I'm 13 and I hate medication




  1.      Hey, I've taken Amoxicillin for a sever sinus infection and no there is on me atleast.  This med killed the infection with in a couple of days.  It very effective it will help you body fight the urinary infection.  I will highly recomend this.

  2. Take 2 now and 1 at bedtime.

    If you have allergies to Pennicillin do not take

    Call your pharmacy for clearest directions on use

    I'm suprised he gave you Amoxicillin for a UTI

    There are so many over the counter

  3. just take one now, and one before you go to bed today

    take one every morning with breakfast, then around lunch, and then again around dinner/bedtime, until all the pills are gone.

    there shouldn't be that many side effects.

    chill.. its just moxi..

  4. You want to cure an urinary infection, not only because it is uncomfortable, but because it you don't cure it it can reach your kidneys and that is the last thing you want. Do not gamble with that. If I were you I would take  2 capsules the first time and then 1 every 8 hours. A difference of few hours is not a big  deal, but don't just skip it - even if you are late - and take your medication until is finished, even if you feel ok. If you don't feel any improvement, ask your doctor to change the prescription. But whatever he/she gives you take it until you finish it.

    That will make sure all infection is gone.

    Next time ask you doctor for antibiotics like Keflex (cephalexin) that works better for urinary infections. Amoxicillin sometimes upsets your stomach. Do not take amoxicillin on an empty stomach. If it really upsets your stomch badly, ask your doctor to change the antibiotics.

    I hope you will get better soon.

  5. Take one now and one before bedtime.  Tomorrow you can take three.  It's not like it won't work if you don't literally take three a day.

    Side effects of amoxicillin are not very likely if you are not allergic, especially not with a short course like they give you for a simple UTI.  You might have a little stomach upset or diarrhea; both will go away as soon as you're done taking the medicine, and taking it with food may help if you have the stomach upset.   If you feel itchy, if you have hives (a rash) or if you have fever, nausea or vomiting, tell an adult immediately and stop taking the medication until you can be seen by a doctor.

    One thing about amoxicillin:  you can have a rash without a true allergic reaction, which is not dangerous and which does not mean you will not be able to take amoxicillin in the future.  However, ANY rash should be evaluated by a doctor.

    Amoxicillin works pretty quickly on E.coli, which is the most likely kind of bacteria to cause a UTI.  Usually, where I am, we don't prescribe amox but something called Bactrim instead.  I'm not sure why they chose amox for your UTI, but that is a question for your doctor.  And one word of advice--do ask your doctor these kinds of questions.  It's our job to explain possible side effects, and to give you a schedule to take your medicine and reassure you about any worries you may have.  You're young, so you may not be used to asking questions at the doctor's office, but they won't mind, I promise.

    I hope you feel better soon!  Don't worry too much. Amoxicillin is really a very safe antibiotic.

  6. I am allergic and so is another person I know. When we have allergic reactions to minimum dosage all we have a rashes or throw up, hives. Nothing really serious. But if we have a full dose of it we could stop breathing I think. But we aren't sure. the last time I had it was when I was a baby and I just threw up. With the pills you should take one after every meal, breakfast, lunch and supper. Side affects are not likely if you aren't allergic I think. I don't know how long it takes to work.

  7. Take one now and one at bedtime to get started, then get on a breakfast, lunch, dinner schedule starting tomorrow.

    Side effects are unlikely if you aren't allergic, though some may get an upset stomach.

    It will work in a matter of days, but you were probably prescribed a 7-day or 10-day course of antibiotics to be sure to knock the infection out completely and keep it from coming back.

  8. ok u need to take f if its 4:30 in the after noon wait until tomorrow morningn to take ur first dose. adn take all of it trust me u need to...

  9. Three times a day, treat that as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Apart from an allergic reaction antibiotics are safe. What you must do is finish the course even if you think you are getting better.

    This is because:

    1) The effectiveness builds up day by day. so you need to ensure that you are getting all the bugs.

    2) If you stop taking it then the bugs that did survive could be selected and become superbugs, thus making the Amoxcillin useless in the future.

  10. As long as you split the doses anything reasonably close to six or eight hours apart, it won't make any difference. Put together a schedule that's convenient for you. You're likely to feel better in three days or so. Rashes and diarrhea are the two most common side-effects, and your chances of having a side effect are perhaps one in fifteen.

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