
Amp question...?

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i have mono amp, 1 channel, but there are two spaces available for plugging in subwoofers. it is 550 watts x1 @ 4 ohms and 900 watts x1 @ 2 ohms. If i plug in two subwoofer, rated at 4 ohms, one in each plug in, does that make the viewed impeadance 2 ohms and give out 900 watts rms or only 550 watts rms? i'm confused.

the amp is the Sony XM-D9001GTR




  1. Not to worry with the confusion.  If you wire two single voice coil, 4 ohm subs to your amp, it will see a 2 ohm load and provide 900W (450W to each sub).  The amp is designed that way to make wiring easier.  So hopefully ... it doesn't have you confused for long.

  2. they're still meant for only one subwoofer they just have four inputs because some dual voice coil subwoofers need to be wired using all four

  3. Depends, if your subs are both single 4, then you'd get a 2 ohm impedence.  If your subs were dual 4 load, then you'd wire then down to 1 ohm, and i don't think that amp is 1 ohm stable.
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