
Amp to sub / factory vs deck/ Alternator determining power/ sealed vs ported?

by Guest67068  |  earlier

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Four Question please dont forget to answer each one

Can a Performance Teck Icbm-782 push two TS3001D4 almost to its full capacity or am i missing out on much power

And does a factory deck take away from the amount of power going to your system

does the amount of amps pushing out from the alternator make a big difference in the power going to your subs

Do these subs work better in a sealed, circle ported or slotted ported box




  1. hard to say on the subs not much info online about how much power they need just try to match up the rms on the subs with the rms on the amp the best you can and yes a factory radio takes away from the sound quality and how many volts are going to the amp meaning lost sound and as for the alternator it depends on how much power your amp is pulling if your under 1000 rms your fine most of the time when you get over that your losing alot of power to the sub but this can be helped by adding a second battery you can cheak how much power your losing by useing a voltage meter on the amp when it falls below 13 then your not getting the power you should be getting and ported is better for being loud sealed is better for sound quality not much of a differnce in a circle port and slotted all depends on what you wanna do with it

  2. well i guess the subs ur talking about is the pioneer premier subs...u will need 2000 rms out of an amp...i dont know anything about that amp ur talking about, but if it can push at least 2000 rms, u r fine...   get a aftermarket will sound better and louder......yes it matters for the power going to ur amp,thus then going to ur subs...u r going to need to do the BIG 3 and get a high output alternator for all that power...make sure u get the box made properly to pioneers specs to get the best sound..............go with a properly ported box...make sure it is made to pioneer dont matter if its slotted or circle..just make sure its the right dimensions...if u have problems finding a proper made box, then get a sealed enclosure

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