
Amputate your arms or your legs?

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If you had to choose between having your arms amputated or your legs amputated which would it be?

Have the arms trimmed and you could never write to your aunt again. You would also have difficulties in the bathroom.

Have your legs trimmed and you would never run again.

Which? Why?




  1. left arm would go.... the right arm is required for ermm...... certain man-style duties..... would need the legs as i have a large staircase at home and no space for an escalator...

  2. Is it odd that I've often thought about this ha ha.

    I would say legs, because even if you have your arms off you still can't run properly again because you'd have no balance!Also theres that famous guy that's a brilliant runner with artificial legs!!

    And arms are more useful for everyday activities, eating, washing, waving, flicking the bird at someone.....

  3. Even though I am a marathoner, i'd still choose legs.  Get prosthetics and relearn to run again (Runner's World magazine had profiled some double amputee running marathons, very inspirational).  Its not impossible.  If I couldn't run, I'd be doing wheelchair sports.  I already deal with challenges, and didn't let that stop me from doing the things I love to do.

    That's a real tough question Sonny.

  4. I like my remaining limbs just fine.

    What's this about not being able to run with out legs. I guess Oscar Pistorius didn't get that memo

  5. I'd give up the legs.

    Advances in technology for prosthetic legs are further than those for arms/hands.

    Plus, I've got people to hug man!

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