
Amsterdam experiences...what was your favorite thing?

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im going to amsterdam for 18 days in july and i was wondering what are some fun things to do there...what was your experience like and where was your favorite place.?? all answers appreciated :)




  1. There are lots of things to do in and near Amsterdam.

    When you first arrive you might want to get an overview, you can take a tour by bike or canalboat to do that, there are several companies for each.

    You can find a good (if not complete) list of museums in Amsterdam on this site:

    There is shopping, and just walking around in Amsterdam, just follow your noose and when you get tired of it you take a tram or bus back if needed.

    Day trips from Amsterdam, there are many, but these are famous:

    Edam, Volendam and Monikendam, each are just a busride away from Amsterdam but if you want to see the three you might as well join one of the tour companies.

    There are at least 3 options for an open air museum, the nearest is Zaanse Schans, that revolves around windmills,

    You can get there easy and cheap by taking the train to Koog Zaandijk, and walk 10 minutes or take the bus 91 from Amsterdam, the site will tell you all you need to know.

    A little farther away, concentrating on the buildings from around the former inland sea, the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen:

    And the third, the National collection in Arnhem,

    This is about the same distance but in a different direction.

    A more general collection, including a water powered mill.

    Of course, a visit to almost all Dutch towns is fun, Alkmaar, Utrecht, Delft, the Hague, Leiden and Haarlem are all not too far to travel and will give you a good traditional Dutch town to view.

    Rotterdam is a contrast, with a lot of modern buildings (and no old ones.)

    On a nice day you will find everybody leaving Amsterdam for the beach, Zandvoort is the easiest by train, but the whole of the west coast of the Netherlands is one big beach, you can go to any place on it and enjoy getting sandy.

    The first site I mention in source is good for almost all information about Amsterdam, from shopping to places to sleep, including transport in Amsterdam.

    I also put a link to the train information site there.

  2. go to a coffee shop and smoke weed there

  3. What's fun? Depends on your age and interests. Some people like the opera, some don't.

    The average tourist that visits AMS wants to see the 16th century city. Just walk around the red light district during a (luke-)warm july evening after dark. It is very crowded there, and because prostitution is legal here, the district doesn't have the underworld characteristics it has in a lot of comparable districts throughout the world. Visit a pub in the district, just talk to the people at the bar. Bars a not considered seedy, like I've seen in the US. All kinds of people visit it, and especially at the bar itself is where a lot of people llke you are who just want to have a friendly talk and exchange experiences.

    If the pub is in the red light district, you  might even see a hooker who's taking her break. Start talking to her, and if you don't treat her like dirt, she will be willing to talk to you, maybe talk about her (not so) glamorous life. Very special experience. Where can you talk openly with those people, about their likes and dislikes. about their wishes and longings, their plans for the future, etc.

    During the day time, do the standard tourist things: rent a bike. Ask your hotel where. You'll be able to travel much faster than with public transport. Since it is a medieval city, distances are small, with a bike you'll be able to travel from one side of the city to the other one in ten minutes (at least the sides you're interested in).

    If you're interested in old art: visit Rijksmuseum, with all the famous paintings from the 16th century (Rembrandt). On the same square: van Gogh museum, with almost all the famous van Goghs. For the other three even more famous ones visit Paris.

    Like all major museums in the world, they are way too big: you'll get too tired to see everything, so visit what you certainly want to see in the first two hours, you'll probably don't want to see the 19th potware etc.

    If you were impressed with the diary: Anne Franks House. Takes an hour or two.

    Hotel: if you're adventurous / young, stay at StayOk hostels (, they used to be the youth hostels, but now they cater for everyone. They even have rooms for two. Full of peole from all around the world. Nice to talk to them during breakfast about their experiences. If you're alone: ask someone for a morning coffee somewhere in town. Maybe you'll spend the day together.

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