
Amusement park after donating blood

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I'm 17, and I'm going to donate blood tomorrow (friday). On Sunday, my family is planning on going to an amusement park, provided the weather is ok. Is it a good idea for me to ride thrill rides two days after donating blood? I've donated blood twice before, and I've never had negative affects, but I've also never gone to a theme park just two days after. Will I be ok, or should we hold off?




  1. This might help...

    "A person in good health should feel perfectly normal after donating. You should maintain your regular eating schedule on the day you donate blood. We'll give you a light refreshment and ask you to rest for a few minutes. Then you can go about your usual routine. . .as long as you avoid strenuous physical activity for the remainder of the day."

  2. You will be fine,  

  3. You'll be fine.  I've gone straight from donating to the park before (the blood drive was actually at the park).

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