
An 18 year old woman has been raped in Darlington.?

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She came out of Escapade nightclub, went under the underpass to Kendrew street carpark beside Cactus Jacks.

She was raped behind Cactus Jacks.

I hope they find the evil scum and nail him to the wall by his knackers.

This happened in the early hours of yesterday morning.

Does anyone else find this disgusting and shocking?

Your views please.





    WTF are you guys ON FFS? She was asking for it, she was willing? She shouldnt have been pissed and walking alone FFS

    So its Ok for an 18 year old girl to get raped because she went out on a Saturday night and had a few drinks?

    Some of you are no better than the rapist and you make me F****n sick!

  2. I think it was probably somehow the girls fault. For one thing she shouldn't have been alone, for another she should have been carrying mace, and she was most obviously p**s drunk.

    She might aswell have a big sign on her head that says "rape me".

  3. it is disgusting and evil but it happens in todays society . why walk alone when everyone knows these weirdos are out there ??

  4. rape always disgusts me. what disgusts me more is people saying its her own fault for being out at night. is going out after dark a priviledge for the criminals and rapists?

  5. The justice system states one is innocent until proven guilty. First they must investigate to see if this man (Or Men) did this. If it did happen then he should pay for his crime.

  6. omfg, i live in darlington and know the area well, i only live about 5 minutes from it...

    its awful and sickening, what gives that b*****d the right to do that to a 18 year old girl, she must have been terrified,

    nailing him to the wall by his knackers sounds a great idea.

    lets hope the police catch him before he does it again


  7. This is indeed disgusting and shocking. but unfortunately it happens, much more than any of us truly realise. And it wouldn't matter if the girls in question are unconscious drunk, people must know what the word NO means. There is no punishment harsh enough for this crime. Personally i believe in an eye for an eye. I would love to spend 5 minutes with any of these sickos, and then lets see if they reoffend without any testicles.

  8. i don't think this is the place to be posting such things.

    please don't miss-use this sight how ever mad you are feeling

    for all you know she could of been willing

  9. I do find it disgusting and I truly believe this sort of thing should not happen but really what sickened me was that a ten year old boy was sexually abused by a nineteen year old man where I live recently whilst he was walking home from school, that's beyond comprehension for me and they should be locked up and the key thrown away.

  10. It just shows nobody is safe anymore.

    Society has become stupid.

    Nobody can go out without being at risk.

    Its very sad.

  11. Yes all violent acts are disgusting and shocking

  12. Yes it is shocking, and evil, and NOTHING NEW.

    PS a local woman was in court last year. She said she was raped behind a pub, had a man arrested and quizzed. Turned out she just made the whole thing up. But the thing is, if her lie had been successful HE could possibly have been jailed for life, so why can't she?

  13. I think its delicious,

    science proves it.

  14. It's so common place and no-one cares!....why??.....This modern society is so lacking in morals........

  15. this particular crime is VERY common.

    more common than you could know.

    it goes unreported most of the time, its very sad but very true.

  16. Sounds like you know an awful lot about it. Exactly where were you in the early hours of yesterday morning?

    Just kidding. It is, they should murder rapists.

  17. god i work on that street! theres me going to and from work with a rounders bat!

  18. That is commonplace around NASCAR events.

  19. I think if men could imagine having their manhood traumatically amputated for one single moment - they may get an idea of what rape actually feels like.

    Everything a woman values about herself is stolen in an instant and she may be left traumatised for many years afterwards!

  20. thats shocking right on my doorstep aswell,its not safe anymore.

  21. I am so sorry for the poor lass but wish they would not put themselves in dangerous situations. There are too many perverts around and they need to be castrated. I admit this in an awful remedy but at least it would concentrate the minds of these sexual bullies.

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