
An Australian man survives a shark attack by poking at its eye.?

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Not that long ago, there was another case where man rescued his wife from a crocodile by jumping on it's back and poking it in the eye.

Perhaps this is the standard method of fighting off agressive creatures in Australia, but what I'd like to know is, if anyone here has ever been attacked by an animal and how you reacted.

I would also be interested to hear from any experts on how we're supposed to react in these situations.




  1. Decode this lyrics " Wild thing"

    Even marine life underwater too have faulty communication problems.

    While having fun with the swimmer as BBQ.

    One do get poke on the eye too.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  2. I was attacked by 2 dogs once...I was terrified and was rooted to the spot until the dogs decided to back off.

  3. So much for scary Big White then.Wusses or what ?. Also crocs are not that scary either huh ? Bet you can also scare a Grizzly away with a loud "Boo".

    If so its off to the tropics for me next hols.No worries.PS What about those big spiders they have over there ??

  4. My cat attacked me the other day. He lunged at me chest and dug his claws in while biting at my collar bone. How did i react, i was pissed beyond all get out, i'm 6 months pregnant and he jumps me, nuh uh!

    I grabbed him by his scruff, picked his claws out my shirt that he tore, he was hissing and swinging his paws at me so i  slammed him of the wall to knock him out and threw him back outside. I'm serious with this and people won't like it but tuff. The other male cat is nice as can be and i've never had problems with him but the black cat seems to be very aggressive, yet i've treated both of them well. Since that day the black cat stays several feet back when i go out to feed them. He jumped my husbands hand once too while he tried to put food in their bowl and he scratched my 2y/o for no reason - he's a right mean cat but no one will take him.

  5. I'm not an expert by a longshot, but I do have some experience with animals and I have been cornered by a dog before.  Not quite as severe or scary as a shark or an alligator, but frightening enough.  Thankfully, I was not bitten.  I shouted at it, stomped my foot and told it to get the *censored* away from me!  If the dog had gone ahead and attacked, I would have been up a creek without a paddle because it was rather large and much stronger than me.  But the dog didn't call my bluff and ran off because I didn't show fear and presented myself as dominant.

    In most cases, when dealing with an aggressive animal, the first rule is to avoid them.  If that's not possible, then don't show fear and do not panic.  Most aggressive animals are predators and a show of fear tells them, "You were right--I'm prey!"  As a general rule, predators will not come after something that presents itself as being stronger than them.  (There are exceptions, though.)

    The man who survived the shark attack by poking it in the eye did the right thing.  The shark was more than likely just looking for food.  But a shark's normal prey doesn't fight back or hurt it.  A shark's eyes and gills are sensitive, so a jab in those areas hurts and lets it know, "I'm not your dinner, you idiot, now go away."  The same can be said of the crocodile.  I've also heard of instances where people have scared off mountain lions (cougars) by screaming aggressively and picking up a weapon.  Usually, the show of dominance is enough.  (The show of dominance seems to work with mammals.  Reptiles and fish seem to respond more to pain than intimidation.)

    There are cases where these tactics will not work.  If the animal is rabid, starving or a man-eater, which is an animal that has developed a taste for human flesh and prefers it to all others, you're in loads of trouble.  But if you find yourself in a situation where you can either stand there, do nothing and definitely die or try to do something and maybe live, (there are no guarantees) then definitely chose the second option.  Of course, the best defense is avoiding these situations altogether.

  6. The only animals I have ever been attacked by were of the human variety.

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