
An Easy Way for Storing Collected Family History Information?

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I've amassed a bunch of notes (paper, as well as spiral notebooks) from different websites on my family's history and at the moment, I can't afford to go out and buy a software program for creating family trees.

1--Does anyone have any advice to make it easier so that I can cross-reference the information I have found and for storing it, so that it doesn't seem to mesh together as one big and confusing lump until I can afford to go out and buy a software program to enter it onto?

2--Are there any good FREE websites that I can download for storing my information onto my personal computer that has sort of a general outline to plug in the necessary information to build my family tree?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.





  1. This is not only free to download, but it is one of the best available !

    Personal Ancestral File (PAF) is a free genealogy and family history program. PAF allows you to quickly and easily collect, organize and share your family history and genealogy information.

  2. might find the Latter of jesus christ genealogy website usef ul

  3. Yes! My family and I use Geni. Its great. we are located all over world and this site helps us connect!

  4. You can download the PAF program free from the LDS website

    It also has the ability to attach photos to individuals and sources. I attach .jpgs of my records.

    For organizing paper there's tons of ways to do it, just make sure however you do it it well organized, cross referenced, and expandable as you amass more stuff.  A file per surname or per nuclear family should help, just be sure to copy or notate stuff into multiple files as needed.  It's also helpful to have a checklist and/or index of some kind.  A handy tip I learned at a seminar is to label the front of the document with the exact source of the document, name, and RIN # (the individual in your database) and other identifying information about the document.  The front is helpful in case you want to copy or fax the document.

  5. Geni is OK if you have general information on your family and want to connected with living relatives but, if you're serious about your hobby, get PAF (free) or RootsMagic ($30 US). Build your family history in an accepted software format that can be easily edited and shared with other researchers.

  6. is the LDS website, and where you can get PAF for free.  It is the classic program, and no, not bare bones.  The key to "mainstream" programs is that they will support gedcom files.. which are specifically a generic file type that "bridges" between the standard used programs.  

    Something to consider, before you wind up with crates and filing cabinets full (like me).. you can use scanner if you have one, to scan even your handwritten notes or documents. When it is a jpeg file.. it can be pulled in to PAF, just as you would a photo.  Trust me.. you will want to back up your work as you go.. and the program and all will fit onto a thumb drive.

    If you live in Louisiana, backups that can be grabbed fast and take little space are very important.  

  7. PAF is a genealogy program that is free to download.  

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