
An Ebay question about possible fake items...?

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I have recently started exploring on Ebay. There are a few sellers that I tend to question the authenticity of their items. I am mostly interested in Silpada jewelry which is only sold through home show demonstrations. It is high quality sterling silver and semi-precious stones. I have found some sellers that have sold multiples of the same item. The picture shown is that of the real item from the catalog. I find it unrealistic that they were able to get their hands on 20 to 30 + of the same item. This leads me to my question....Is it possible to obtain that many legitimate items to sell? If not, why do so many people keep giving positive feedback and not notice that they are not the only ones getting that item. It just dosen't seem possible to me. The other thing I noticed when looking at one seller's feedback is that they frequent buyer at a Beadaholic shop and has feedback on . That also makes me very skeptical. What do you think? What are you experiences with Ebay and fake items???




  1. Honestly...... you have done all the work you need to in order to see counterfeit items.  

    I would report them to Silpada.  I would report them to eBay.

    I heard a rumor that Silpada are going to start going after ebay sellers.

  2. Just last night I was looking for tix to a concert. The prices are outrageous. Soon to learn People buy them as soon as they go on sale.....resell at higher price for profit.....flippin scalpers are always looking to cheat the sysytem.....

    This could apply to your situation. If it gives a location on eBay where the items are being shipped from. Do a search for home show demonstrations of the jewelry in that area.....most likely a person doing home shows will show up online. A person buying from the home show could resell online. Another thing is search out Silpada jewelry site and look for local of that area. Alot of searching but could answer your questions better.

  3. You HAVE to be skeptical, make observations, as you do, and do the research.

    Not everybody wants to be bothered with that.  I'm willing to bet, that in some cases, people don't WANT to know that they've bought a counterfeit item.  They feel better in NOT knowing, letting themselves believe that they have a genuine article.

    Part of what they pay for is that good feeling.

    I say, let 'em.

    I, too, buy on ebay and have never had a serious problem.  But for major purchases, I buy from trusted, legitimate sites, such as direct from a manufacturer, or a known, online retail outlet.

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