Hi, I recently received an employment offer from a large IT company. My employment agreement states that the employment is at will. It further states that the employer can terminate this employment at any time for any reason. I can also terminate it at any time for any reason but the employer requests a two weeks notice. So I was relieved that I wouldn't be obligated to stay for a specific period of time.
However, they also want me to sign a service agreement. This agreement states that because the company will incur training expenses, I have to stay with the company for a minimum of 24 months. If I leave during training or before my required 24 months of service is up, the company has the right to recover $15,000 from me.
Can someone please give me some advice? I'm a recent college graduate and I'm confused because the two agreements say two different things. By the way, I have not signed either of the agreements and I'm not planning on signing anything until they make sense to me.