
An Ethical Question - just for fun.?

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You pull into a self-serve car wash and find one of the bays continues to run without money in it. You can get a free car wash as long as you like.

Do you do it and if so why?

Do you not and if so why?

Please give your reasoning for your decision to take the wash or not.





  1. I would wait a moment to see if it turns off. Then I would want to go through it if it does not damage my car if it turns off. Then I would probably go through, but right after I would call the owner of the place because he/she is wasting water and soap.

  2. I would use a different one.  I'm not that desperate that I care about the few bucks it would cost me as opposed to the possible problems that would erupt had I used the "free" one.

  3. I do it because too many times I was seconds from being finished with my car and had to pump it up with coins to finish.  I think the person who comes across that deserves the free wash.

  4. I wouldn't want the water to continue being wasted.

  5. Lol, interesting...

    I'd take the car wash...and while this may sound like a cop out -here's why...

    I am one of those "look at the world thru rose-colored glasses" kind of people even though I understand that's not always wise.  I occasionally stick a dollar in a vending machine for the next person that comes, and actually left a few dollars on a ledge at a carwash a couple of weeks ago with the wish that it find its way into someone's hands who needed it for something more important than I would have used it on...maybe it did, maybe it didn't...I trust that it did.:p

    I'm a reformed idealist.:D

    So, I'd be thinking, "Wow, how cool, someone really wanted to make somebody else smile today and set up a free car wash.  Neat."

    It's the little things in life. I would just figure the universe smiled on me that day.  

    And yes, I'm actually serious -lol, sad I know, but that's my world.

  6. I do it. Things financial wise at home are horrible.

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