
An Inconvenient truth by Al gore?

by Guest45436  |  earlier

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So In my enviromental science class we watched an inconvenient truth. That movie by al gore. And we have to write a paper about it which is due tomorrow. The first day we watched it I fell asleep and the second day I wasn't there. So I have to answer some questions in my paper. So please help me I know I should do it myself but i really need help.

What does the title "an inconvenient truth" refer to with regards to the subject discussed in the film?

What evidence to support global warming is shown in the film?

What effects could global warming have on our planet?

Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Gore's concern about global warming? explain




  1. Al Gore's Oscar-winning environmental documentary contains nine scientific errors or omissions, a British judge said, ruling on a challenge from a school official who did not want the film shown to students.

    High Court Judge Michael Burton said he had no doubt that the points raised in "An Inconvenient Truth" about the causes and likely effects of climate change were broadly accurate, but in a ruling published Wednesday he wrote that they were made in "the context of alarmism and exaggeration."

    But it is worth while at least taking a look at the judge's nine objections to the Gore movie, which are as follows:

    Burton found that Gore's assertion of a rapid rise in sea-levels caused by the melting of icecaps in Antarctica was overly "alarmist."

    Gore claimed that the disappearance of year-round snow from the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa was expressly attributable to global warming. The court was not convinced. According to Burton, the scientific "consensus" is that the reasons for the snow recession on Kilimanjaro cannot be established.

    Gore cited a scientific study showing that polar bears had drowned by "swimming long distances--up to 60 miles--to find the ice." Evidence backing up this claim was not produced to the British court. The judge wrote that the only scientific study shown to him indicated "that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm." See early news story on bear drownings here.

    Gore attributed the Hurricane Katrina devastation to global warming. The judge found that there was "insufficient evidence to show that."

    The Gore movie depicted the drying up of Lake Chad as a prime example of the effects of global warming. Expert testimony in front of the British court suggested that "far more likely causes" were "population increase, over-grazing, and regional climate variability."

    Gore suggested an "exact fit" between the rise in carbon dioxide levels and the rise in temperatures over a period of 650,000 years. According to the judge, scientists generally agree that there is "a connection," between the two phenomena, but claims of an "exact fit" cannot be established.

    An "Inconvenient Truth" claimed that citizens of some low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls "have all had to evacuate to New Zealand" because of the inundation of their islands caused by global warming. The judge said that he found no evidence of "any such evacuation having yet happened."

    The movie suggested that global warming could shut down "the Ocean Conveyer," a process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to Western Europe. The judge cited a study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the co-winner of the Nobel Peace prize, which concluded that it was "very unlikely" that the Ocean Conveyer would be shut down completely, although it might slow down.

    Gore argued that coral reefs all over the world were bleaching because of global warming and other factors. The judge cited the IPCC view that it was difficult to separate the impact of stresses on coral reefs caused by climate change "from other stresses such as over-fishing and pollution."

  2. You might try Googling 'inconvenient truth summary'.  You should find plenty of reviews and opinions.

    Remember that while you are reading the reviews....etc., that this 'documentary' has....since its release......been discovered to contain quite a number of falsehoods.  

    This 'movie'/powerpoint presentation has a lot of Hollywood in it and does a pretty good job of scaring those who are weak-minded.  Try not to be a 'victim'!!!

  3. I am appalled that they make you watch such a bias movie, based on predictions and lies, if you were to tell your teacher you had a different point of view on The Global Warming Myth you would be given a big fat D- There are to many Liberal teachers teaching our children and not letting our children question what is being forced into there brains.

  4. Tell what you think about the film but question. Why is it that Al Gore seems so caring about the issue of global warming but, Why does he still run around on private jets and why does his house consume so much energy?

    And how is it that he can preach to us about what we should do but he himself put no restraints on his energy consumption.

  5. I cannot believe anyone would fall asleep during this movie; very likely the most important issue in your lifetime ...

    the title is very explicit.  You may not like it, the truth may be inconvenient. but here it is:  This Planet is in imminent peril because of Global Climate Change (no one calls it global warming who knows anything)

    The evidence was the movie.  Take a look at Iceland, the Arctic Circle (the most fast disappearing area on earth)

    polar bears drowning because the ice flows are no longer there that they depend on for travel  (they can't swim)

    go on line and look at global climate change.  

    Of course I agree.  I have a brain and I use it constantly.  Anyone who doesn't agree is brain dead, or just plain ignorant.

  6. This should sum it up but you will get an 'f' for disagreeing with your teacher but you get to keep some dignity and character along the way.

  7. Do you own work!

  8. It's not convient  to know a lifestyle is ruining our planet,first.Storms,rising oceans,insect infestations,and changing the way we can grow food are big seconds.I agree with Al,we may not have a very good future for our young.We will have,by our greedy ways,destoyed Earths future

  9. The alleged inconvenient truth is that our burning fossil fuels is increasing the effect known as the greenhouse effect. The next statement is that the ice cores in antarctica and Greenland indicate that as temperatures go up we se higher CO2 levels in the ice.

    Next, is is inconvenient to see that our average global temperatures are rising a bit. With that rising temperature we are seeing increased duration and intensity of drought, increased frequency and severity of flooding, increased intensity of wind storms. from increased volumes of water vapor over eh oceans.

    Now thus far all of the above is clearly demonstrable. It is just observational.

    What may be more controvertible is the extent to which fossil fuel burning contributes to rising CO2 levels, and the extent to which we should attribute observed global warming to either the rise in CO2 or the source of CO2, fossil fuel.

    It is clear that earth has had global warming and global cooling before without much human intervention.

    Mr Gore does leave an impression without saying it, that we can stop global warming by stopping CO2 emissions. This is not, however presented as an inconvenient truth. What is an inconvenient truth in his narrative is that we have to prepare for major climate changes, and we are partly causing the problem. Mr Gore does call for honoring Kyoto commitments, but does not go so far as to say that Kyoto targets would be enough to change the course of global warming.

    (Kyoto targets were set at a level that might allow oceanic sequestration to keep up with new emissions, but not yet lower CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. By inference, they would keep CO2 concentrations high enough to ensure that global warming would continue as it had been up to 1990.)




  11. it's real and a fact but people try to ignore or avoid that global warming is happening.

    the rise in CO2 levels shown on the graphs, the pictures of the ice caps melting

    rise in sea level, planet gets warmer, floods

    hmm i kind of agree and after all the environment has done for us, we should do something in return.

  12. Go rent the movie.. to much to just summarize...

  13. Well it is actually a very convenient lie.

  14. On the agree part- Yes, I agree that we are polluting and it does cause climate change. Animal farting causes green house gases(fact).  Greenland used to have no ice.  It's natural for the earth to get a lot warmer than it is now.  It has been getting warmer since before man was around.  I feel we need to watch our selves and make as little of a negative impact as possible, but to put the blame solely on ourselves is not honest.  No one can measure our effect.  Mt. St. Helens(a volcano in washington releases more CO2 than the whole seattle are per year.  that's natural.

  15. Refuse to watch many false statements...

    Ask your teacher if Al Gore is so friggin smart why he couldn't read the reports properly about the Polar Bears...ask him why Gore lies about them dying because of melting ice caps and not because of really bad storms...

    If you want to get a really bad grade tell your teacher to read State of Fear by Michael Crichton,  a person who actually uses his own intelligence along with actual "facts" to describe what this global warming hysteria is all about and how it has been created....

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