
An Indian woman gang raped on the orders of a tribal council

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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A woman in India is entered in critical condition after suffering a rape by multiple attackers on Monday. Police have arrested 13 men associated with the incident in a village in West Bengal, reports the BBC. The woman was raped on the orders of a tribal council of patriarchs of Birbhum, the district where the village is, as punishment for a relationship with a man from another village, according to the Indian newspaper Hindustan Times. The boyfriend of the victim has also been arrested, according to The Times of India.

At first, the two lovers were fined 25,000 rupees each, about 297 euros. He paid but the family of the victim 20 years lacked enough money, so the tribal council allegedly imposed the punishment of rape. According to the Hindustan Times, the boss who ordered the attack is a distant relative of the woman. " When [ the lover ] he went to visit her at her home on Monday, some people saw the village and held a council on the spot " for breaking local, police sources have explained.

 Tags: council, Gang, Indian, raped, tribal, woman


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