
An Interesting Sentence for the word...?

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ambrosial-meaning delicious or fragrance




  1. The grapes and cheese were so ambrosial to everyone that ate them. lol had that last night to eat! :)

  2. The Greek Gods ate ambrosial food.

  3. The moon glittered on the path as we strolled through the ambrosial garden hand in hand.

  4. From the kitchen wafted the odor of a truffled turkey--evanescent, rich, inviting, complex, and ambrosial; Henry stood outside and wept: he loved his family but he wanted to eat there.

  5. As I meandered towards the snug little cabin in the picturesque woods, an ambrosial aroma drifted on a light breeze towards me.

  6. She inhaled deeply the ambrosial scent of the single red rose he had left as he departed her life.

  7. The steam floated out of the roast, carrying a delicate ambrosial scent through out the house.

  8. At  a diner called "Eats" you can expect the ambrosial.

  9. The smell of fresh garbage in the morning presented an ambrosial delight for houseflies such as these.  

  10. OMG, I was walking by a guy yesterday and he just smelled so ambrosial.


    Any time I walk in my moms house its ambrosial.

  11. Adam got a waft of her ambrosial perfume as he leaned in to kiss her goodnight.

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