
An Interesting dream Dream?

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Well, I had quite an interesting sci-fi-ish dream a few nights ago and it was so vivid that I thought I would post it. I was in space and there was this giant pit of flames, with a spectators cage running all around it. It was a big fiery gladiator pit. So there was these mysterious figures in hoods that sat in this high up spectators balcony thing and suddenly they all ran down quietly and muttered this incantation. These wolfs with whips for ears and spiky tails formed from the fiery pit and instead of attacking each other, they began to attack the crowd. So everyone ran screaming out, but we were trapped, and even if anyone went out the doors, you found yourself in the same room. So I was running around screaming as well, and was really scared. So I opened the doors and the figures in the black robes were all standing. There were three of them I think. And suddenly they took there hoods off and they weren't human, there were snake-people. I mean, I is kind of hard to explain. Cont




  1. This reminds me of the cosmic battle for earth, when Lucifer (satan), who was originally an angel in Heaven, rebelled against God because he (Lucifer) wanted to BE God.  So, he took 1/3 of the angels with him (and they are now the demons of h**l, who roam the earth tempting people to do wrong).    Anyway, the rebellion was against God, and He threw them out His presence and they came to earth.

    So, they knew humans, God's beloved creation, lived on earth and they decided, basically, "What better way to hurt God than to attack His cute little pets?" (satan's opinion, not God's).    So, that is how the human race got caught up in the "politics" and battles of h**l (fiery ring, fiery pit)... notice, instead of fighting each other, or attacking God (which would be futile) they attack humans.  

    As long as earth exists in its present state, this battle continues, so every generation faces it.  The only way to be delivered is to call on God, because He allows us to choose.  He won't force us.

    But, you're right.  We did kind of get pulled into this, in a way, by accident.  I mean, we didn't say, "Wow!  I think I want to be a pawn in a cosmic spiritual battle in the univers, in a plot to overthrow God!"  But, Lucifer didn't just ask us... so there you go.

    You can read some about it on my website.

  2. You have a great imagination!  Are you feeling trapped and the people trapping you are attacking you verbally?  Do you feel people are always watching you to see if you make a mistake so they can try to cut you down to size?  If you will look closely at your friends you will see at least 3 of them with black hoods.  This is a clue that maybe they can't be trusted.

    All of these creatures have traits of different animals.  The variety in your life is vast, so I assume you have a lot of friends with different personalities or interests?

  3. wow that souns super creepy!!!! usually u dream about things u were previously thinking/ talking about. did u read any strange books or watch scary tv shows?? that happens 2 me a lot... i typed in drakian on google nd it said something about them bein descendants of sjirran dragons idk weird

  4. my dear may be you watch horror movies that's why you also dream like that.. before you go to sleep.. refresh your mind and pray.. drink hot milk so you can sleepwell ..

  5. Whether or not you're religious is completely irrelevant.  You have a spirit, yes?  You're not some soulless person!

    If it's true that we all were created, then you may be having these dreams for a reason.  Maybe you need to share them as a warning or maybe you need them yourself. Maybe you need to look into adopting some sort of spirituality that can fight the kind of darkness you're dreaming about.

    If it's not true that we were all created, then it's a random, meaningless dream that should be causing you no anxiety because they're just weird images from Doctor Who or some other dark movie and you don't have to ask yourself questions about what this dream could possibly mean.

    ...but I should tell you that I watch Doctor Who all the time and never dream about that kind of stuff.  Ever.

    If I were you, I'd pray before bed.  I'd ask God for protection. (I wrote forgiveness at first absentmindedly-- why??? weird.)

    Anyway, you don't need to believe in God for him to believe in you---apparently (per your dream.)


  6. Sounds like the aliens you described were the Reptillians. Allegedly they are very powerful in the galactic community.

    lol I don't really believe this but everything you've said fits with it, wierd! lol

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