
An Iranian Cleric has declared All Feminists w***e and Spies. How should the US respond?

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Iran: Cleric 'calls all feminists whores and foreign spies'

Tehran, 27 May (AKI) - A top Iranian cleric from the northeast, Ayatollah Ahmad Elmalhoda, has reportedly called feminists "whores and foreign spies".

"These whores, clutching a piece of paper in their hands to gather signatures, are working for foreign powers and want to destabilise the Islamic Republic," said Elmalhoda.

He is the highly influential prayer leader in the northeastern holy Shia city of Mashad.

Elmalhoda has called on the government to "intervene decisively against these whores, because it is improper to leave them to act with impunity."

A few weeks ago, Elmalhoda said women who do not wear the Islamic veil as instructed "turned men into animals."

Verbal attacks against feminists in Iran are also being accompanied by a vast judicial offensive.

Eight feminists involved in a campaign to gather "a million signatures in favour of equality" were recently given jail terms of various lengths and sentenced to public floggings.

The Iranian authorities have in the last two weeks censured twelve websites close to the feminist movement.





  1. so many people say this same thing on GWS everyday!  whats so special about this cleric?

  2. We've gotten into enough holy wars, lately. The U.N. should watch from afar and only get involved if there's risk of massacre.

    We fought for our rights, they can too. It will only make them stronger if they win their own battle... prove the point that they are equal and strong and don't need heroes.

  3. I think US should stick its nose to its own businesses. I bet a lot of americans call  "terrorists" to islamics.

  4. I don't make much about what any cleric says, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or Hindu.  When you get right down to it, they all have an ax to sharpen & most are afraid of women. Clerics are predominately men & they fear women will usurp some of their power.

    Face it, you women have the ability to control the World & all clerics fear that you will use it.

  5. The international community should respond by making it clear that fundamental human rights supersede cultural norms. And, who knows, maybe they'll dispose of Ahmadinutjob within a few sleeps.

  6. Well, if we're plssing off Iran's Mullah's, we feminists must be doing something right.

    It's a proud day for feminism.

  7. I respond with laughter... It is amazing that if a women is strong a man calls her a w***e and now adds spy.  Pathetic.  Why are those men so fearful of women?  This adds to my question on Islamic dress and the requirement to cover up so that men don't rape them. "A few weeks ago, Elmalhoda said women who do not wear the Islamic veil as instructed "turned men into animals." Really if these were men I think they could have a little more self control.  They are merely children who have never been taught anything useful.  As for what America should do; in my opinion nothing.  Sometimes we must stand up and fight for ourselves; our feminist went to jail and made an excellent point while doing it.  I urge the women to move ahead and know that they have a difficult road to travel but it is their road.

  8. What would they say about a female president?  I'm afraid to think

  9. I agree. Feminists have done more to damage women's rights than men ever have.

  10. Atleast some one has balls to stand up to these feminists,unlike us.

  11. This isn't a matter that should concern America. It's really none of their business.

  12. they look around and see their moderate muslim neighbors relaxing their attitudes and are trying to maintain their hold, somethings got to give eventually.

  13. First of all let me make this clear: I love women, I am fascinated by women, I love everything that defines a woman as woman. I have a lot of respect for women, I treat women like the lovely ladies they are, and I also have a lot of respect for the fact that they are highly emotional and sexual beings.

    50% of American women have never had an o****m. It is really a tragedy.

    The main reason is the Feminist movement, that fought to prove that women are actually men.

    Sexual attraction can only exist between a masculine person and a feminine person. The Feminist movement is always trying to destroy femininity, thus creating ALL those relationship problems that we have nowadays.

    These days all we have is either wimp guys, men who are all about emotion, mimicking women and begging them for mercy, or jerk guys, bad boys who excite women but have no emotional connection with them.

    A man needs to be strong, decisive, leading, and loving. A woman needs to be caring, nurturing, and submissive.

    I know this talk is going to hit many glitches in your programming. Yeah, because you have been taught all your life men are = women.

    Of course! Men and women have the same worth, but they are not identical! They are actually opposites!

    Whenever a woman is forced to lead, she has to summon her masculine side, thus causing her feminine side to diminish. And you used to wonder why some women school heads are so masculine.

    Even in L*****n relationships, a girl has to be the feminine (submissive) one and the other has to be the masculine (dominant) one. During s*x they switch roles many times.


    Oh my, oh my. 9 downs. I'm SO sad. Really. For the ignorance about sexuality that is everywhere.

  14. The US should support these women.

    The Iranian's are not talking about, arresting or killing American femeninst.  but these very brave women of Iran, please if you would set aside your bs problems with feminism here in the states.  If feminism was ever needed any where it is needed in muslim counties.

  15. How will it respond, or how would I like it to respond?

    Condoleeza Rice will probably make some diplomatic statement full of waffle and saying nothing.

    How it should respond is by encouraging a popular uprising in Iran against the vicious persecution and denial of rights to half its population.  Notice how keen on individual rights the US was during the cold war, yet somehow it seems not to apply when it is only women who are forcibly lacking in them :-)

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