
An Israeli soldier killed an innocent Palestinian boy in cold blood. What do you think the punishment will be?

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Do you think this story is unbiased?




  1. Yes it is unbiased of course.

    What amazes me here is, that there are Jews that still believe in Israel.

    Until now, everything the Diaspora Jews have succeeded through history, has been smudged and stained beyond repair by these people.

    Is there anyone out there that does not believe that the Jews in Middle East have lost each and every human value for which us Gentiles have worked for thousands of years?

    Is there truly anyone that still believes that the Jews deserve a country?

    I am afraid I don't.

    I cannot trust them anymore. They are inadequate to run a state in peace and democracy.

    I've watched how their Governments have been corrupted for a couple thousand dollar gifts (Olmert, Sharrone,etc).

    Even the easy-going Americans can't stand this anymore.

    It's a pity. Dreadful people!


  2. Due to usual ferociousness and unjust acts of Zions,

    and their inhumane attitude, it should be treated as ''eye for an eye'' so to speak.

    That dirty s*****k soldier should be delivered to that boy's family and friends. That'll be the justice.

    One shooting another, is somehow comprehensible but

    the amount of video's that Ive seen about these dirty beings beating small boys, breaking their arms and tie them up, using them as human shields is overwhelming and unbearable.

    And now one step further, kill a boy in cold blood!

    Savages pretend to be civilized!?

    It really takes a ''GUTLESS COWARD'' to do/act as such to a boy!

    And I'm sure, we're all very well familiar with these acts on this forum, aren't we!!?

  3. If he was a palestinian and he killed an israeli child he would be praised,they would throw parades his mother would be on aljazeera and al-manar talking about how proud her son had made her by killing a 10 yr old child.

    if you want I can provide links.

  4. The soldieer will probbly be jailed for life. Had Hamas shot the child as they do the Hamas killer would get praised. Big difference. Good point

  5. Arabs are treated worse than third class citizens .Jews have no value on their lives.What they've done to the Palestine people is dreadful.It's sad that American tax dollars is funding this barbaric treatment of the Palestinians.

  6. I'm not sure if he will get any punishment. I think this story is unbiased, but most of what we see in the media are biased.


  7. If these Arab parents cared, they would keep their kids at home and not send them to throw rocks at the soldiers.

    They have no one to blame but themselves.

    The punishment has already been given.


  8. Terrible story.  Let's pray for the family.  

    the soldier was probably not aiming at a kid or anyone else.  Just scared to death.

    He should be charged with manslaughter , unless he was protecting himself.

    As the LA Times is about as Left Wing as they come, I have to say no to your question.

  9. It's horrid.  A country with mandatory military service, even reserve service every year until they're 40, and their government keeps them in a conflict for decade after decade and allows their enemy to grow around them, throwing rocks, dropping concrete blocks on their heads, blowing people up, kidnappings at checkpoints, protesters gone wild, even outside peace groups who come and try to make violence happen so they can film it.  They put them in this mess and then when something unfortunate happens, they charge them with a crime.

  10. The title is this :Israeli soldier fires at Palestinian crowd, killing 10-year-old boy.

    Your Question is baised.

    The case is being investigated, Palestinians tend to protest in violance - throwing stones and burining stuff.

    Here from your very own article

    "On Tuesday afternoon, Israeli forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to prevent rock-throwing Nilin residents from interfering with construction vehicles clearing olive trees and rocks from the barrier route and putting up fencing. An Israeli policeman was struck by a rock and suffered an eye injury, the military said."

    We'd have to wait and see what the soldier has to say and what the court has to say

    If he is indeed guilty he will and should be behind bars for a while.

    Shyster - you hide behind a fake past just as your fellow terrorists hide behind kids.

  11. not even the USA can convince Israel to stop its illegal actions!

    but yes the solider should be punished!

  12. Any murderer should be sentenced for 1000 years in jail. This is the law in Israel, (or it is only applied to Palestinians?).

  13. Let's hope that the Iraneans will teach them jews some real peace and lovin'.

    I've heard that they are almost ready to kick some israeliani butt.

    This time there'll be no "US ally" to do their dirty job and Im real happy for that.

    I am glad that I don't like these creatures too. I mean after all killing 10 year olds ain't no human nature.


  14. Nothing much,at least at the hands of his own people. But as in all such cases,his name should enter the lists of those who will receive justice from the people of Palestine in an appropriate time and place. Full files should be maintained by all liberation groups of these child-killers so they may see justice eventually. In the meantime,let them imagine if their own people free them - if not reward them - then they escape earthly justice. That way they let their guard down.  

  15. it's not true but if it is the punishment should be:

    -write 3 times I should never shoot a palestinian boy

    -write 5 times it's not true

    -write 3 times it's a cold blood don't kill a boy

    or stay at home for 2 hours

    I guess he will never do it again if he is punished like that.

  16. the story is not a horribly biased one, though it does certain things which are unnecessary.

    As to the event in question, the Israeli army has protocols concerning how one uses ammunition. Taking aim and firing live bullets at torso or head level in a situation like this seems uncalled for. I would hope that the inquiry would find the truth and punish the soldier (discharge, jail etc) appropriately or provide evidence that the story as told is not factual.

  17. It should be 25 years to life at hard labor in a disciplinary barrack.  

  18. "we wrote to sons of israel that who ever killed innocents as if he killed total humans"

    its a long time and all this happens witnessd by all the global .yet nothing is done to protect palestinian ,while in lebanon they were ready within less than a week to send french italian german british as well as american navy to protect israel

    on the other hand dr.paroch goldstein killed 29 prayers at hebron mosque who were praying dawn prayers in ramadan later he has a tomb carried his name in qiriat arba3

  19. As a former Jew myself I feel disgusted by that incident.

    I mean things like that or the braking of the bones of the imprisoned Palestinians, or hiting them until they bleed to death,or shooting the whole family and relatives of an Arab boy that made the wrong turn in one of our check points, it's just too much.

    I mean twenty years ago when I came to Israel it wasn't that bad. At least our soldiers used to shoot at the enemy. Nowadays the Army is killing little helpless kids.

    Someone here in Berlin where I am at, right now said that the Israeli Army have shot and killed more than 1000  little Arab kids in these 5 past years.

    I feel really ashamed just for being a Jew all of those years you know.

    At least I was smart and got the h**l out there just in time.

    Punishment? don't make me laugh. The Jews are throwing a party in honor of that soldier. Wanna bet?

    Shalom s*ckers!

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