
An OK time for running the mile?

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hey i am going to be a senior at the end of the summer and i have done track since i was in the 7th grade. NEVER have i ran because i am so bad at it. So far all summer i have been going to the gym and running on the tredmill and sometimes i run around the block. So far on the tredmill my best is 10:16 to run a mile. I think i have been doing really well because at the beging of the summer i couldn't run a 400m without practically dieing!! In september i promised myself and a friend that i would run a 5k for charity. Is 10:16 a good time? and what can i do to run faster?




  1. incorporate cross training into your running program (swimming, biking)

    if you are trying to get better times, i would suggest running with someone (for mental and physical competition) --- meaning racing

  2. Finishing times for a 5k will normally range from around 17 minutes to perhaps around 35-40 minutes.

    Until you can run for half an hour without a break you shouldn't even be thinking around speedwork.  After you can run for 30 minutes vary your runs...

    one short fast run (at 5k race pace), one long slow run (getting longer each week building endurance), one fartlek / interval run and one recovery run.

  3. try something like bike riding or rollerblading as well as running to develop strength in your legs.

    i agree that 5k's are NOTHING like running a mile.

    i have ran quite a few and the pacing is compleely different.

    while running your 5k focus on your pacing and remeber to breathe evenly. try not to clench your fists or your jaw while running (this is a problem many people have)

    Its great that you are running for charity!

    good luck!

  4. Try going to a nearby track to time yourself for a different mile time. I'm also going to be a senior and find myself running 10 minute miles on the treadmill, but I have run a 6:10 mile, my worst event. Get a friend to time you and see how you would do. And 5K's are completely different from running a mile. Make sure you're getting out on the road for some running, or else you'll be very surprised during your race. Your first one will be all for the experience, don't expect to get a extraordinary time. Build up your endurance, and have fun doing it. I would join your school's cross country team, I think it's so much fun. Make sure you're mixing up your training too, you will become veryyy bored with treadmill running. Good luck with your race, I'm sure you'll do well :)

  5. Your time of 10:16 isn't bad, it's pretty good actually.

    Maybe make a goal of the time you'd like to run it in, personally

    I think 9:30 is a great time.

    And remember, a lot of people don't even run it the full time.

    The more you exercise the easier it gets of course.

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