
An Survey, that gives money?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, well school is coming up and my family is a little short on money.

I am to young to get a job(Worst.Law.Ever.T~T), I do not know anyone I can babysit for. I know that there are surveys that give out some money-I know they don't give hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Does anyone know any good sites-that have worked for them?




  1. All the legit survey sites I know of have the requirement to be 14 or older.  Many are 18 and older.

    I'm a member of which is from those 14 and older.

    They offer a couple dollars per survey and $2.00 for every survey a member you refer takes.

    They are an accredited member of the Better Business Bereau and send the checks to your house.

    It only takes five minutes to sign up.

    They have never sent me any spam.

    Here's the link:

  2. You could put up flyers you make asking for work like raking, weeding gardens, walking dogs, cleaning up after dogs if you can stomach it, cuttings lawns, keeping parking lots at stores free of trash (just go into the stores and ask for the owner or manager), asking grocery stores if you could help customers carry their groceries, deliver newspapers and catalogues, run errands for people,,,even go to offices and ask about running errands for them. Put your flyers up in laundromats, stores, schools, bulletin boards online, free online newspaper ads, on poles in your area, even go door to door with them. Make your flyers stand out by using color, make the print large enough for seniors or others with poor eyesight and make 'tear strips'  by putting your name and phone number on one side of the paper and 'handyman' or 'handywoman' on the other side and cutting it into strips that can be easily torn away to take with them.

        Good luck. Who knows? You might even start a successful business.

                        Keep smiling

  3. most are scams dont waist your time. try to get a job at a store or something, usualy they are not to strict on age

  4. try

  5. Global Test Market. 5 cents per point need 1000 ($50) to cash it. about 25 per survery

  6. If you are living in USA, Canada or UK the survey program works well and more invitations are available. Find them according to your country and register with them.

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