
An ____ is the highest level in natures hierarchy......HELP?

by Guest62443  |  earlier

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Can you fill in the blank?

It's a 9 letter word.




  1. Nature doesn't have a hierarchy.

  2. Yes it does.

    The answer is ecosystem.

  3. Sorry, that is a pointless question.  How do they know what "nature's heirarchy" is?  This is just a bunch of c**p from a moronic highschool textbook and it has no relevance whatsoever in the real world.

    Yeah, I think they prolly want you to belch out the word, "ecosystem" because it is a word they made up to describe a system they made up in order to torture you.

  4. The correct answer is "biosphere."   That is a level above "ecosystem."

  5. Yeah ecosystem.

    Really, we couldn't depend on the answers just because of the answerer's level.

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