
An adorable, beautiful choc labrador that?

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is really really hyper, but has pleanty of exercise, a large field, but poo's in the house all the time, so i bought a cage, and it will do it in that too, she empties bins, she is obediant & will do as you tell her staight away, is well disaplined,have trained her well and she has an older lab to copy who is excellent in all aspects. They both get a fuss, and both are well cared for. But as soon as you turn your back, the chaos begins. Any suggestions. (p.s she is 2 and had the op)




  1. Mine used to behave like this. It proved to be his food (Pedigree Chum in this case).

    I guess a bit like additives in childrens food causing hyperactivity.

    A change of diet did the trick.

  2. WE used to have a choc Lab and he would steal found, empty bins and chew things. SO partly this is a breed characteristic.

    Toileting you have a problem, if she is now 2 yeras old, then look at her diet, try other food mixes or work on toilet training by having a daily routine. Most dogs would not poo in the cage but would call and tell you, dont imagine your older dog does this !!

    You can find help on Labs. online and this book is quite helpful to buy.

  3. Unfortunately it seems Choc.Labs are nuts.  Don't know if you are in the UK, but they became very popular in the recent past, and some breeders jumped on the bandwagon and starting churning them out, without much thought about which ****** went to what dog.  By two she should be calming down really, much as the males tend to go closer to three before they show any signs of reaching something like maturity lol  Think yourself lucky you didn't find yourself having both hips and one elbow operated on at under 6 months, like my nephew did when he was sucked into the aaah how sweet thing.

    I'm afraid it sounds as if you are going to have to reinforce the training, exercise her hard so she's tired out when she comes home.  Remove anything and everything that matters to you (damage limitation), crate, crate and more crate, until hopefully she realises you are not impressed with her behaviour and that life is really much nicer when Misses isn't stressed out.

    At two, there really is no excuse for her to mess in her crate, provided she's let outside regularly enough, and she's basically fit.  You might try feeding her something with a lower protein level - some feeds these days are way too high.  I'd drop her to somewhere around 18% protein and see if it makes any difference to her energy level.  Otherwise it's really just a case of hoping she will, eventually, mature!

  4. I think this is just your dog's personality.  By 'the chaos begins'  do you mean by all the things listed above? Then maybe your dog is being defiant.  Like if their is something you are not letting her do.  If your dog is only two then that is only 14 in human years, and still quite young.  Try getting her lots more toys and bones.  Things to keep her occupied.  Hope this helps xx

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