
An alliance with russia and india and china vs nato ?

by Guest56807  |  earlier

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if india joins the sco , and hyperthically sco members make it a defence militrary pact , do you think it would be powerful enough to counter nato and usa . please include ur views in economic and military and other allies , thanks a million




  1. Counter it in what way?  The US and Russia don't need anyone else as they could wipe out the world by themselves.  China and India are so closely tied to the US economy that they don't want any trouble.

  2. lol anees, Russia would have trouble taking Poland, let alone NATO, their army is ****. China would put up no fight whatsoever offensively. The same with India (though for different reasons).

    You seem to think Russia is still the USSR, sorry buddy you are wrong. More likely, the US alone would steamroll Russia. The war would be over in 3 months, with much of Russian infrastructure just gone (of course this is conventional non-nuke).

  3. If India decides to join, it will keep the U.S. out of  South Asia and become the regional power for sure.

    It's not irrational to believe India can fight on the side of China - Russia was the greatest enemy of China, too, but they now collabrate, just to survive from the western powers. If NATO kept adding pressure to India, India would have no choice, either. After all, these 3 countries had something in common - all of them were invaded/occupied/enslaved by the western world in the past two centuries. And I don't think neither of them like to see that happen, again. Also, if any one of them fell, the rest would follow soon after.

    But meanwhile, India can get more benefits from the west by pretending they are about to change color. If India's really smart, they will keep on with this strategy.

  4. They are not friends with each other. Each would turn on the other the moment the opportunity suits them

  5. You do know, China has two historical enemies.

    Russia and India !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    India's number 1 enemey is china.

    I don't see them agrreing on any military pact.

  6. rest assured, no matter what happens, Russia and india will have a good relationship. china and russia are almost inseparable. china and india, well that's a bit tricky, china invaded northern india just after independence, so some suspicion there. but having said all that, india is a founder member of the non align movement, it will never form a military pact with any nation.

    any one of the 3 nations is capable of giving NATO or the US a h**l of a fight, Russia can steamroll NATO, there was a time when the russians said they can reach the english channel within 3 days of war.

    but having said all that, it's the 21st century, fighting wars is stupid, spending money for sophisticated military hardware is senseless. all it can do is simply intimidate the others...

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