
An answer for teachers only please.Is it all possible if you could help me resolve something.Everyone states?

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that teachers in all ther given holidays,mark papers,prepare work ect ect.I have been married for 15yrs to a secondary school teacher and i have never seen him prepare anywork or mark anybooks whatsoever in these holidays.He is on half term (a week off) at the moment and all he as done is sat there completely bored or got under my feet.I am actually dreading the 6 weeks =(. So come on all you teachers,were is all this paperwork and coursework that you have to set in all these holidays on full pay ?




  1. What do want your hubby to do when he has already finished his work in the school.

    He was awaiting the vacation to spend time with you and you, the funny creature , want to send him away so that you can enjoy with your friends.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are hurting his feeling,don't you.!???????!!!!!!!


    He has been sacked from the school?!?!?!


  2. People who have been teaching a while learn how to get that stuff done while they are at work.

    He earns his money though, trust me.

  3. You already know the answer. Basically if teaching the same subject with no change in the cirriculum for years, the work has already been prepared before. Effiecient teachers use their time at school, free periods and while children are doing set work, etc to do marking. It is a good job

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