I sold my first two paintings last month, & the lady who bought them is close friends with the owner of an art gallery, & today he sent me an email about representing me. I'm a total newbie at all this, & really have no clue what representation entails...
We're in different time zones right now & are supposed to talk about this tomorrow, and I'd really like to get some more info first.
*Do you sign a contract when you work with a gallery? Is it like the way actors are represented by an agency where they take 10% of your earnings?
* How closely do your work with the gallery owner? I only met him once before at this social thing, & he kind of intimidated me.
*Are you required to produce a certain amount of work? I'm going into my sr yr of hs & am already maxed out on time, so this makes me really nervous.
* What else do I need to know?
I'm a bit overwhelmed by the idea & would really appreciate advice.
Thx! : )