
An asteroid has been found that has a moon orbiting it but i was wondering can moons have moon orbiting them?

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  1. if the moon had a strong gravitational pull a different moon with a weaker pull could infact orbit it

  2. Why not - the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth and, for a while, the Lunar Orbiters orbited the moon.

  3. A moon could orbit a moon but the system would be unstable and wouldn't last long.

  4. In theory it is possible. However, tidal effects of the main moon would cause the system to be unstable.

    There is mathematical evidence, however, that orbits around Saturn's moon Rhea would be stable. It is even possible that Rhea has a ring system kept in place by shepherd moons, but this is not certain.

  5. Yes they can. There's nothing in physics to prevent such a thing happening, although I can't think of any moons in our solar system that actually have moons.

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