
An athlete can take longer jump,if he comes running from a distance behind as compared to that when he jumps .

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An athlete can take longer jump,if he comes running from a distance behind as compared to that when he jumps .




  1. I think I know what you mean.

    If a long jumper takes a running start, he can carry some of his forward momentum that he builds up from the run.  If he starts from, what is called a standing jump, all he has is the power from one, single burst from his leg muscles.  With a running start, he has the energy from a SERIES of bursts as he is running forward.

    In fact, a good technique for a running leap is NOT to jump forward on his last leap, but to jump straight UP.  His momentum will carry him forward, while his last jump UP will keep him in the air longer.  The combination will carry him farther.

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