
An average guy vs the Beautiful People from TNA?

by  |  earlier

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Think he would win 1 on 1? Would he win against the tag team?

How do you think the match would go?




  1. The average guy would lose big time to these dime store selling ****** by a heartbeat.

  2. i would too

  3. i would let them pin me lol soon as the bell rings i will just fall down on purpose and let them pin me

  4. I think that lucky b*****d would willingly lose!  Of course to the tag team!  Or 1 on 1!

    It would go him letting them do whatever they wanted, and he'd LOVE it!

  5. Beautiful people

  6. Id let them pin me any day

  7. i would be willing to job to them.

  8. average guy

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