
An easy and quick way of getting rid of headaches?

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I've been getting migraines for many years. i take ibuprofen, lie down in quietness and darkness. the medicine doesnt even make it any better. what types of medicine should i use? and what tips to make them feel better?




  1. Migraines are a big concern, I recommend going to the doctor and getting a perscription.

  2. One thing I have tried that helps is ice packs on the back of the neck. I also add benedryl with the ibuprofen.

  3. Have you also used a cool cloth on your forehead when you lay down? As well, try having a light snack before you lay down in a dark, quite room.

    There are other pain medications that you can have your doctor prescribe you, however if you take them on a regular basis you are putting your liver at risk, as well they can become an addiction. Lastly, take pain relievers on a regular basis can also give you rebound pain.

    Have a talk with your doctor about your options.

  4. Have you tried excedrin?

  5. In my personal opinion Tobamax works best for migraines.

  6. try eating things and put cinnamon on them. like toast, oatmeal. it works for my migraines. you can put it in tea too :)

    also cinnamon also can help menstrual cramps when you get them....


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