
An easy to comprehend Economics curriculum for home schooled high schooler??

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We're looking for an easy to comprehend, well put together Economics course for high school student. Any suggestions??





    If you'd rather do it one piece at a time, I'd start with Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt. Then on to either 'What Has Government Done to Our Money?' or 'The Case Against the Fed', both by Murray Rothbard.

    After that it really all depends on what you're interested in. Reisman is probably a good next step. The cool stuff like Hoppe takes a while though.

  2. This doesn't quite answer your question (it isn't a curriculum), but I recommend the book 'Basic Economics', by Thomas Sowell. It was something both my brother and I read in either high school or junior high and we both agree that it made the Econ courses that we took in college much more accessible.

    Also 'Eat the Rich' by satirist P.J. O'Rourke, while not at all serious, had the best, most clear, explanation of Ricardo's Law of Comparative Advantage that I have ever read. In fact, because of that book, I was able to understand the concept...I was the only one in my study group in college that was able to.

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