
An elderly family friend has asked me to marry him for his conciderably amount of money. ?

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He does not want any of his family members to get any of it, and he does not want any kind of marriage duties. I have a partner and he supports my decision. The money could set up my whole family for life. Can his extended family do anything legally to prevent me from getting the money after the fact. I do not want a legal battle when he has passed away. Please help me.




  1. before you do anything get a lawyer... and when your married.. the will, will clearly state who gets what.. .and if his family has anything to do with it

    but i dont belive this one bit

    honestly if your about to get a conciderabe amount off money.. and are worry about the guyzz family.. i find it hard to belive you'd be posting s.h.i.t on yahhoo it wouldnt be that hard for them to fiind


  2. So u dont love him but u need his money en even ur partner wants it,funny this worls is ending

  3. His family will claim that you are a GOLDDIGGER, and ONLY married him for his money (and they would be right)!!

    Just have him list YOU exclusively in his will, as the SOLE heir to his entire estate!

    Talk to a good attorney. Don't compromise your self-respect for a "poor" solution to his desire to eliminate his family from his will!

  4. Its called a will sweety, all he has to do is write you in to have everything.

  5. So, you're saying you don't have any morals, and that you'll do anything for money? If he wanted to leave his money to you, he could draw up a legally binding will. If he really does have money, he would know how to handle this, and wouldn't even think of asking you to marry him, unless he wants something else. Have you ever heard of Anna Nicole Smith? Wasn't she married, and didn't she have an assload of legal problems with the money her "husband" left her? You never get something for nothing.  

  6. All he has to do is put your name on his will.  He doesn't have to marry you.  How stupid is this?

  7. it's his right to give you everything if he wants, but he is being a jerk to his family and yes they will probably try to come after you and they have a good reason too.

  8. his family can't do anything about his will. i say get your money honey.

  9. If he wants to leave his money to you then all he has to do is go to a lawyer and get a rock solid will drawn up.  Why on earth would you marry him and what kind of partner do you have that would be OK with you doing that solely for money?  You don't need to marry him; it would be obvious it is for the money and even more reason for the family to contest the will after he passes away.  As I said he can leave you the bulk of his estate in his will without being married if that is what he would like to do.

  10. Even if he makes a will to leave all the money to you, his family members CAN and probably would contest the will.  You sound like all you care about is money and you are asking for serious trouble.

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